
Generally speaking, there is not a large scale solution for efficient cashless cannabis payments for the multi-billion dollar industry. Paying via debit at the PoS in CO, CA, and other more developed industries exists, however, these systems operate as disguised ATMs, and incur many different fees as a result. This leads to a markup of >$10-15 in most cases. Rhizomatiq is a DLT (Distributed Ledger Technology) Utility Token based on the DAG-Tangle architecture; this allows for high efficiency, r... esistance to attacks, environmentally green operations and most importantly an incredibly high throughput rate for instant transaction authorization. Built on top of the DLT is a suite of Supply Chain Track/Trace algorithms that provide transparency up the Cannabis Supply Chain for Regulators, Consumers, Suppliers, and Merchants alike. This suite is a logistics tracing mechanism, that follows batches of tested Cannabis products throughout the distribution process; from seed, to sale. Rhizomatiq aims to streamline this process, and act as a base for the Cannabis industry to build on. Due to the efficiency and scalability of the DAG-Tangle architecture, we are able to offer extraordinarily low fees (.25% S2M / $1 C2M per Tx), and instantly approved transactions. The process is simple and intuitive. SEND / RECEIVE transaction pairs represent completed "seeds". These seeds are stored on "nodes", our word for the Account Tangle architecture. Transactions on the node are verified using a standard Random Selection algorithm. Before either a SEND or RECEIVE transaction is sent, a dense regulatory compliance process is completed in which the Account Holder's ability to partake in the transaction is verified. Rhizomatiq Tokens are Utility Tokens, therefore transactions are initiated as payment transfers to and from the senders and receivers payment methods, respectfully, and the Tokens themselves will never be able to be Bought or Sold.

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Blockchain Cannabis Financial Services Supply Chain Management


Fort Collins, Colorado, United States

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Rhizomatiq is a DLT (Distributed Ledger Technology) Utility Token based on the DAG-Tangle architecture; this allows for high efficiency, resistance to attacks, environmentally green …See details»

Rhizomatiq - Funding, Financials, Valuation & Investors - Crunchbase

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Rhizomatiq | F6S

The Rhizomatiq Ecosystem is the name given for the broader ecosystem of products and services built around the Rhizomatiq Chain, a Golang Microservice architecture. The Chain is a …See details»

Rhizomatiq - Crunchbase

Seed-To-Sale Supply Chain Services for Legal CannabisSee details»

Company Showcase: Rhizomatiq – Revolutionizing Cannabis …

Mar 21, 2023 · The legal cannabis industry is a multi-billion dollar market that has been hampered by inefficient payment systems and lack of transparency in the supply chain. Traditional …See details»

Rhizomatic Organizations [Rao] - Medium

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Rhizomatic Organizations - Best Practices - LinkedIn

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GitHub - rhizomatiq-dev/ddag: Yet another directed acyclic graph …

Implementation of directed acyclic graphs (DAGs). The implementation is fast and thread-safe. It prevents adding cycles or duplicates and thereby always maintains a valid DAG. The …See details»

At the critical moment: The rhizomatic organization and …

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At the critical moment: The rhizomatic organization and …

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Samuel Troyer - Crunchbase Person Profile

Samuel Troyer is the founder of Rhizomatiq.See details»

Get all organizations in Azure DevOps using REST API

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Create an organization - Azure DevOps | Microsoft Learn

Oct 23, 2024 · Learn how to create an organization or project collection with a personal Microsoft account, GitHub account, or work or school account.See details»

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