Science Centre Singapore offers exhibition galleries that include science, technology, engineering, mathematics and online ticket services.
Education Industrial Engineering Museums And Historical Sites
Singapore, Central Region, Singapore
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- Location: Seattle United States
- Latitude: 47.6348
- Longitude: -122.3451
- Metro Code: 819
- Timezone: America/Los_Angeles
- Postal: 98109

More informations about "Science Centre Singapore"
About Science Centre Singapore
Science Centre Singapore’s aspiration has shifted from being a world-class science centre to a place where science befriends and transforms the minds of millions. The New Science Centre The new Science Centre will be a gateway …See details»
Singapore National Academy of Science
Established in 1976, the Singapore National Academy of Science (SNAS) seeks to promote the advancement of science and technology in Singapore and represent the scientific opinions of …See details»
Singapore National Academy Of Science - Givepedia
Singapore National Academy of Science (SNAS) is a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting scientific research and education in Singapore. They aim to foster a community that …See details»
Our History — Singapore National Academy of Science
SNAS shall evolve to become a distinguished professional and academic organization, representing scientists in Singapore. Officially founded in 1976, SNAS became an umbrella …See details»
Science Centre Singapore Management Team | Org Chart
Science Centre Singapore employs 249 employees. The Science Centre Singapore management team includes Chester Ong (Head of Department, STEM Inc), Valerie Lee (Director, Human …See details»
Singapore National Academy of Science - Wikipedia
Singapore National Academy of Science (SNAS) is a government funded body in Singapore founded in 1967 and re-purposed in 1976 when some functions were invested into the …See details»
Singapore, Singapore National Academy of Science …
The Singapore National Academy of Science was originally established in 1967 with the principal objectives of promoting the advancement of science and technology in Singapore, as well as the discussion of scientific, technological …See details»
Singapore National Academy of Science (SNAS) - InterAcademy …
The Singapore National Academy of Science is an umbrella organization for the premier scientific societies in Singapore. Established in 1967, its principal mission objective is the promotion of …See details»
International Affiliations - Singapore National Academy of Science
The Association of Academies and Societies of Sciences in Asia (AASSA) is a non-profit umbrella organization, consisting of 32 national science academies and 1 regional engineering and …See details»
Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR)
Following the dissolution of the Ministry of Science and Technology in 1981, the Science Council was brought under MTI’s purview. 7 In the 1980s, its role focused on creating awareness for …See details»
Groundbreaking Ceremony for New Science Centre | MOE
Nov 1, 2023 Commenting on this important milestone towards realising the new Science Centre's vision, Associate Professor Lim Tit Meng, Chief Executive of Science Centre Board …See details»
Science Centre Singapore - Roots
The Science Centre Singapore prides itself on making science an aspiring and exciting experience for people of all ages. The Centre has been a custodian of creativity and …See details»
New Science Centre | Science Centre Singapore
Science Centre Singapore The Science Centre Singapore is a scientific institution in Jurong East, Singapore, specialising in the promotion of scientific and technological education for the …See details»
A*STAR Organisation Structure
Key divisions include the Biomedical Research Council (BMRC), which oversees public sector biomedical research; the Science & Engineering Research Council (SERC), managing …See details»
President's Message - Singapore National Academy of Science
Message from SNAS President. When I took over the role of SNAS President at the 2019 AGM, I said during my acceptance speech that if during my term of office, we could not make SNAS …See details»
Science Communication: Open Science - National University of …
Jul 17, 2024 The talk gives a short introduction to open science, and an explanation of why it’s so important for our society. According to FOSTER, Open Science is the practice of science in …See details»
Science Museum in Singapore | About Us | Science Centre Singapore
Explore how Science Centre Singapore brings about science education in Singapore in a creative and engaging manner making it one of the best Singapore family attractions! Our Awards. We …See details»
Science - AAAS
ONLINE COVER Artificial Intelligence—Solving Decision-Making Problems in Dynamical Systems. Autonomous robots need the ability to adaptively make decisions in unstructured …See details»
Our Reports — Singapore National Academy of Science
Singapore Institute of Statistics . Singapore Mathematical Society . Singapore National Institute of Chemistry . Singapore Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology . Singapore Society for …See details»
Trans fatty acids – A risk factor for cardiovascular disease
Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations and World Health Organization came up with the recommendation that the contents of TFA in human dietary fats should be …See details»