
Seven Crash is a New York fashion brand founded in 2013, inspired by the bold, unapologetic attitudes of the local youth culture from New York streets and the modern aesthetic of the North American fashion capital. The brand statement: “Crash the rules”, embodies its powerful attempt to explore new bridges between the worlds of streetwear and haute couture, all with the goal of providing futurism expression and fashionable sense to the youth culture in the contemporary moment. The brand offers avant-garde cut jackets and industrial-inspired trousers that fuse workwear-inspired designs with urban street fashions, which underpins its futuristic impression. Seven Crash features an array of iconic styles with sharp silhouettes and premium material in its ready-to-wear collection.

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Seven Crash - Crunchbase Company Profile & Funding

Seven Crash is a New York fashion brand founded in 2013, inspired by the bold, unapologetic attitudes of the local youth culture from New York streets and the modern aesthetic of the …See details»

沈恩綺 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书

沈恩綺(1987年—),台灣設計師,時裝品牌7Crash創辦人。2013在義大利取得時尚管理學位,成立品牌「7Crash」。 See details»

7crash | Pinkoi | Designer Brands

7crash was founded in Taipei in 2013 by Enchi Shen. "Crash" aims to enlighten people's imagination and unbound existing framework. 7crash's design reflects this belief "break the …See details»

Seven Crash made its New York Fashion Show debut - PR Newswire

Feb 13, 2019 Seven Crash / Chanel Cai (021)6127 4777 [email protected] Eling Liu (021)6127 4777 [email protected] BASF Mia Son +32 2 373 2124 [email protected] …See details»


2013 Seven Crash 由旅意归国独立设计师沈恩绮创立 2014 于香港发布 “Fashion Festival Forward” Trade Show 2015 于韩国首尔时装秀 发布2015秋冬系列2015 于加拿大温哥华时装 …See details»

Seven Crash|Seven Crash潮牌_时尚品牌网 -

Seven Crash:SevenCrash潮牌:纽约潮流品牌SevenCrash于2013年成立,将设计核心关注在创造具有高识别度的外套及强设计感的工装裤的同时,延续EastCoast ...See details»

品牌專訪:要精緻、要裝潮都隨便妳!7crash 衝擊妳的時尚神經

Part 3.7crash品牌專訪. 1. 請告訴我們7crash的由來。 Crash 代表「衝擊」,意即以突破既定框架做為品牌精神,7crash汲取了時尚之都的創新結合東方美學的涵養,希望能做到「上帝創造世 …See details»

Seven Crash:品牌文化,品牌發展歷程,品牌門店,商標註冊,_中文百科 …

7crash . 7crash 來自台北的服裝品牌。2015年-2016年,7crash參展了2015 VFW 溫哥華時裝周、2016 NYFW 紐約時裝周。2016年7月16日,7crash首家上海概念店揭幕於上海晶品購物中心。See details»

7crash - 百度百科

2015年-2016年,7crash参展了2015 VFW 温哥华时装周、2016 NYFW 纽约时装周。 网页 新闻 贴吧 知道 网盘 图片 视频 地图 文库 资讯 采购 百科 百度首页See details»

7crash - 官方線上商店 | Pinkoi 全系列好評上架中

7crash官方經營商店,Pinkoi 新會員享 APP 運費優惠,最高折 NT$100!7crash was founded in Taipei in 2013 by Enchi Shen. "Crash" aims to enlighten people's imagination and unbound …See details»

7crash | Pinkoi | 设计师品牌

7crash was founded in Taipei in 2013 by Enchi Shen. "Crash" aims to enlighten people's imagination and unbound existing framework. 7crash’s design reflects this belief “break the …See details»

Enchi shen 沈恩綺 (@7crash_enchishen) • Instagram photos and …

1,064 Followers, 1,816 Following, 665 Posts - Enchi shen 沈恩綺 (@7crash_enchishen) on Instagram: "Founder of 7crash / fashion designer@Taiwan [email protected] IG: …See details»

7crash | Pinkoi | 台湾のデザイナーズブランド

7crash の作品一覧です。今なら新規会員登録の方に500円オフオフクーポンをプレゼント。商品が届かなかった場合は100%返金保証!日本と海外のハンドメイド作品を幅広く取り揃え、 …See details»

[國際時尚 ] 7crash登上北美時裝周 印花時尚驚豔全場 | 《瘋時尚數 …

Oct 7, 2015 7crash 品牌設計師沈恩綺接受媒體專訪 @ vanfashionweek 2015 《7crash》品牌設計師 沈恩綺接受瘋時尚專訪,分享品牌設計理念與品牌精神。 沈恩綺,2011年參加台北魅力 …See details»

台灣品牌 7 crash 在西門武昌誠品設櫃囉! | FLiPER - 生活藝文誌

Jun 10, 2014 精靈林大晉:“其實跟 7crash 真的很有緣分,因為我的弟弟是一個舞者,之前 7crash 有贊助過他們衣服,也給了我一件。後來有次跟羅志祥錄音時穿著衣服把照片放上社群 …See details»

7crash - 官方線上商店 | 各地區快速出貨 - Pinkoi

7crash官方經營線上商店,Pinkoi 新會員享 APP 運費優惠,最高減 HK$50!7crash was founded in Taipei in 2013 by Enchi Shen. "Crash" aims to enlighten people's imagination and unbound …See details»

7crash Designer Brand & Products | NOT JUST A LABEL

Enchi’s design reflects this belief. 7Crash also believes in fine quality and uniqueness. Enchi appreciates the opportunities to offer personal design for individual clients. Our products are …See details»

7CrashSeven Crash中国店铺_奢侈品牌大全_品牌服装网

7crash潮牌成立于2013年,由品牌总监“沈恩绮”从义大利米兰艺术大学进修回国后创立,并率领设计团队以东北为设计基地,灵感望眼世界。 "crash"代表着“冲突”,意味着冲突既定框架的品牌 …See details»

7crash - 7crash updated their cover photo. - Facebook

7crash updated their cover photo.See details»

BASF pioneers fashion revolution with Seven Crash and San Fang …

New York – February 10, 2019 – Fashion label Seven Crash unveiled its innovative ‘Quantus’ collection of unlimited possibilities with its futuristic urban streetwear outfits at the …See details» © 2022. All rights reserved