SOC offers the highest quality customized optics such as laser mirrors, beamsplitters, large-diameter lenses and aspherical lenses, also offer standardized products as collective lenses for high power laser, objective and f-theta lenses.
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More informations about "Showa Optronics"
組織図|京セラSOC株式会社 -
京セラSOCの組織図の紹介ページ。―京セラSOCは、光学部品、光学機器、レーザ製品の設計・製造を行なう総合オプトロニ ...See details»
Showa Optronics - Crunchbase Company Profile & Funding
SOC offers the highest quality customized optics such as laser mirrors, beamsplitters, large-diameter lenses and aspherical lenses, also offer standardized products as collective lenses …See details»
KYOCERA SOC Corporation
KYOCERA SOC Corporation is the leading supplier of optical components, optical systems and laser products with the cutting-edge coating technologies and highly stabile, long-life DPSS. ...See details»
SOC Co., Ltd. | JETRO
SOC Co Ltd has 45 years of IT experience which is based in Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan with a population of almost 2 millions. Sapporo is a tourist city with rich resources, delicious food, …See details»
Integrated Report 2024 -
Energy sources by 2030, we are also working to reduce CO 2 emissions from processes using limestone, our main raw material, by 2050. Progress of Our SOCN2050 Carbon Neutral Vision …See details»
Corporate history | KYOCERA SOC Corporation
KYOCERA SOC Corporation is the leading supplier of optical components, optical systems and laser products. Japanese. Our Products. Our Products TOP. ... Changed the company name to Showa Optronics Co., Ltd. 1995: The world's …See details»
SOC CO., LTD. Company Profile - Dun & Bradstreet
Find company research, competitor information, contact details & financial data for SOC CO., LTD. of SAPPORO, HOKKAIDO. Get the latest business insights from Dun & Bradstreet.See details»
SOC Corporation - Crunchbase Company Profile & Funding
SOC Corporation provides IT, software, commissioned development, data science business, and IT human resources development services. ... ; 2,119,023; Highlights. …See details»
SOC Co Ltd - Company Profile and News - Bloomberg Markets
Company profile page for SOC Co Ltd including stock price, company news, executives, board members, and contact informationSee details»
エス・オー・シー株式会社 本社・国内外事業所所在地|SOC
SOC Asia Pte. Ltd. 15 Jalan Kilang Barat #07-02 Frontech Centre, Singapore 159357 +65-6376-4115; [email protected]; Google Map.See details»
SOC Corporation Headquarters and Office Locations|SOC
Mar 16, 2017 Location of SOC Corporation's Headquarters and Sales Offices — Locations in Japan include SOC's Headquarters, Kanto Office, Kansai Office, Chubu Office, and Tohoku …See details»
KYOCERA SOC Corporation
Oct 1, 2020 Optical components KYOCERA SOC Corporation offers the highest quality customized optics such as laser mirrors, beamsplitters, large-diameter lenses and aspherical …See details»
Sumilong Nanotechnology Materials (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. (Guangdong, China) Dongguan Sumi Sou Optoelectronics Technology., Co., Ltd. (Guangdong, China) Hong Kong office (Hong …See details»
Yokohama SOC Co. - Crunchbase Company Profile & Funding
YOKOHAMA S.O.C CO., LTD. manufactures industrial machinery and equipment for various industries. ... Legal Name Yokohama SOC Co., Ltd. Company Type For Profit; Contact Email …See details»
Integrated Repor t 2022 -
Reporting entities: Sumitomo Osaka Cement Co., Ltd. and Group companies ... (30% reduction in energy-related CO 2 emissions on a carbon intensity basis compared to 2005), which is a …See details»
Contact us | KYOCERA SOC Corporation Co., Ltd.
Company/Organization Required Department Address Telephone Number E-mail Required Inquiry ※multiple selections available Optical components Optical units Lasers Please fill in …See details»
Summary of Consolidated Financial Results of Sumitomo Osaka …
Sumitomo Osaka Cement Co., Ltd. (5232) FY March 2022, 1Q Financial Statement ―2― 2.Dividend Status Annual Dividend End of 1Q End of 2Q End of 3Q Year-end Total Yen …See details»
Company Info | KYOCERA SOC Corporation
KYOCERA SOC Corporation - show a future via optronics. The 21st century is said to be an age of optronics. KYOCERA SOC Corporation has created the optronics history taking advantage …See details»
Company profile | KYOCERA SOC Corporation
KYOCERA SOC Corporation Established Established in January 1954. Representative President Minoru Hijikawa Number of employees 289 (As of Apr.1st 2024) Business details Research, …See details»
Consolidated Financial Results for the first quarter (From April 1 ...
Summary of Consolidated Financial Results of Sumitomo Osaka Cement Co., Ltd. for the First Quarter Fiscal Year 2023, Ending March 31, 2023 (JGAAP) August 9,2022See details»