Shuangying Group is a manufacturer of automotive seating system and interior components.
Automotive Manufacturing Sales
Liuzhou, Guangxi, China
Website Url:
Total Employee:
Total Funding:
36.28 M USD
Technology used in webpage:
SPF Apache Euro PHP IIS Pound Sterling Japanese Yen IIS 7 HiChina DNS China Telecom
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Stock Details
Investors List
Integrity Capital Partners
Integrity Capital Partners investment in Private Equity Round - Shuangying Group
Qinglan Fund
Qinglan Fund investment in Post-IPO Equity - Shuangying Group
Hongli Innovation Investment
Hongli Innovation Investment investment in Post-IPO Equity - Shuangying Group
Jingye Investment
Jingye Investment investment in Post-IPO Equity - Shuangying Group
JD Capital
JD Capital investment in Post-IPO Equity - Shuangying Group
Hunan Hi-Tech Venture Capital
Hunan Hi-Tech Venture Capital investment in Post-IPO Equity - Shuangying Group
Shengzhong Touzi
Shengzhong Touzi investment in Post-IPO Equity - Shuangying Group
Tibet Kunwu Jiuding Investment Management
Tibet Kunwu Jiuding Investment Management investment in Series A - Shuangying Group
JD Capital
JD Capital investment in Series A - Shuangying Group
Official Site Inspections
- Host name:
- IP address:
- Location: Hangzhou China
- Latitude: 30.294
- Longitude: 120.1619
- Timezone: Asia/Shanghai

More informations about "Shuangying Group"
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