Silicon Touch Technology is engaged in the design, manufacture, and distribution of integrated circuits (ICs) and application-specific integrated circuits (ASICs). The company provides mixed digital and analog wafers, which are applied in light-emitting diode (LED) panels and lighting devices, as well as motor driving wafers, which are applied in desktops, notebook computers, servers, and motor modules of cameras. The company distributes its products mainly in Asia, the Americas, Europe, Africa, and Oceania.
Application Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC) Manufacturing Semiconductor
Hsinchu, T'ai-wan, Taiwan
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Official Site Inspections Semrush global rank: 6.28 M Semrush visits lastest month: 1.19 K
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點晶 SiTI-公司投資人關係整合平台 TDCC IR Platform
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Silicon Touch Technology Inc.
Why SiTI: Products: Career Opportunities: Contact Us: Professional in IC design & sales for following applications. Motor Driving Fan Motor Driving Fan Speed Control Vibrator Camera …See details»
3288 點晶 SiTI-公司投資人關係整合平台 TDCC IR Platform
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Silicon Touch Technology - Crunchbase Company Profile & Funding
Silicon Touch Technology is engaged in the design, manufacture, and distribution of integrated circuits (ICs) and application-specific integrated circuits (ASICs).See details»
點晶科技股份有限公司(點晶 SiTI-3288)-台灣公司網
點晶科技股份有限公司(Silicon Touch Technology Inc.),統編:97334073,股票代號 3288 點晶 (SiTI),電話:03-5645656,傳真:03-5645626,公司所在地:新竹科學園區新竹市展業一路9號4樓 …See details»
SiTI - Overview, News & Similar companies |
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Silicon Touch Technology Inc. -
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