Streamitup provide a completely automatic Enterprise Multimedia platform that enables any entity and specifically educational institutes and training facilities to generate and share reach multimedia databases directly from its lecture halls without any limitation on the teaching method or accessories in use. Streamitupโs Enterprise Multimedia Platform (EMP) delivers an end-to-end, cost effective Multi-source Video Capture, Sync, Manage and Share solution in one platform. Streamitup provides unique, fully automatic, Cloud based solutions for dynamic creation of multimedia knowledge. Patented technologies, such as the "Virtual Camera Man" turns the complex, exhausting and expensive project into an automatic production cycle in a cost effective way.
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Consumer Electronics Education Information Technology SaaS Video
Lod, HaMerkaz, Israel
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+972 77-931-9272
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Automatically create, manage, share and interact with educational video from any place, at any time.See details»
streamitup - Crunchbase Company Profile & Funding
Streamitup provide a completely automatic Enterprise Multimedia platform that enables any entity and specifically educational institutes and training facilities to generate and share reach โฆSee details»
Stream It Up - Crunchbase Company Profile & Funding
Streamitup offers a platform that delivers cloud-based solutions for sharing, capturing analyzing, and managing videos.See details»
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View Streamitup ( location in Central District, Israel , revenue, industry and description. Find related and similar companies as well as employees by title and much more.See details»
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Streamitup ืืืงืื ื-2007 ืืืืื ื ืืืคืฉืจ ืืื ืืืกื ืื ืืจืืื ืืืจืื ืืฉืชืฃ ืืืืคืืฅ ืืืืข ืืืจืฆืืืช ืืงืื ืืืืืืื ืืื ืืงืื ืืืื, ืืฉืืจืืช ืืืืจื ืืืจืฆืืืช, ืชืื ืืื ื ืืืื ืืืืืื ืืื ื ืืืื ืขืฆืื ืืืื ื ืืืื ืืืจืฆื.See details»
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To contact us, please fill out the form. Mail: [email protected] Mail: [email protected] Tel: +972 (77) 9319272 Office Location Streamitup LTD Hamelacha 6 st. Northern Technology โฆSee details»
Streamitup | ConnectAmericas
StreamItUp provides a completely automatic enterprise multimedia platform that enables educational institutions and training facilities to generate and share lectures (LIVE and VOD) โฆSee details»
ืืงืืื ืืฉืืืืจ ืฉืืขืืจืื ืคืชืจืื ืืงืฆื ืืงืฆื ืืืงืืื ืืืืืืืืช ืฉื ืืจืฆืืืช, ืืืื ืืืืื, ืืืืื, ืืฆืืืช, ืงืืฆืื ืื ืชืื ืื. ืืืขืจืืช ืืืคืฉืจืช ืคืชืจืื ื ืจืื ืืืงืืื, ื ืืืื, ืืืคืืฉ ืืฉืืชืืฃ ืชืื ื ืืืืืืื ืืืืชืืช, ืืื ื ืืชื ืืฆืคืืช ืืื ืืงืื. ืงืจื ืขืืSee details»
With VVE, editing rich video content is both fast and easy, and original files are always safe and secure. VVE also enables users to import and export video content for use with third party tools. Request a free trial Our customers Leave โฆSee details»
ืืืืืื ืืื ืืืช ืืืจืืื ืืืืืืช ืืืืชืจ ืืฉืชืฃ ืจืขืืื ืืช, ืืืฉืืืช ืืืืข. ืคืืจืื ืืืืืืืื ืืืคืฉืจ ืืขืืืืื ืืืฆืืจ ืชืื ื ืืืืื ืืื ืืืฉืืจ, ืืชืืื, ืืืืกืืฃ ืืืชื ืืขืจืืฅ ืืจืืืื ืื ืCorporate-Tube ืืืฉืชืฃ ืืืชื ืขื ืืืจืื. ืื ืชืืื โฆSee details»
how to programmatically get the download url of a recorded โฆ
Apr 16, 2023 @ support - Using chatmessage-get we can get the callRecordingUrl as a message, since meeting recordings are stored in OneDrive we have to โฆSee details»
Streamitup Lecture-Capture delivers a start-to-finish solution for automatic recording of lectures, including video, audio, presentations, files and data. It also offers a hands-free solution that โฆSee details»
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EDU-Tube ืืืืืื ืืื ืืืช ืืืจืืื ืืืืืืช ืืืืชืจ ืืฉืชืฃ ืจืขืืื ืืช, ืืืฉืืืช ืืืืข. ืคืืจืื ืืืืืืืื ืืืคืฉืจ ืืชืืืืืื ืืืืืจืื ืืืขืืืช ืชืื ื ืืืืื ืืืืืชื ืื ืืื ืืืฉืืจ, ืืชืืื ืืืฉืืื ืืืชื ืืงืืจืก ืืจืืืื ืื ื-EDU โฆSee details»
E-notes enables employees to add and share annotations, both, during and following a lesson. During a session, e-notes are automatically synchronized to the video's timeline. Employees โฆSee details»
getting a recording URL from Microsoft teams dynamically
May 18, 2023 We need to get the recording URL of a Microsoft teams meeting recording. We have noticed the OnlineMeetingRecording.Read.All permission and we are wondering which โฆSee details»
Streamitup Personal
By using Streamitup In Video Search technology, video content is searchable and can be accessed directly from anywhere in the organization portal or by direct access to the relevant โฆSee details»
Streamitup's Active Learning enables students to be active while in the classroom or learning from recorded videos. Chats, private and shared annotations on videos, interactive Q&A between โฆSee details»
StreamitupMNG is a Video Content Management application, dedicated to the education sector. It handles all aspects of managing educational videos, such as creating, sharing, editing, โฆSee details»