The Svoboda Press s.r.o. printing house specializes at high volume web offset production. Primary and typical products of the company are full-colour magazines, catalogues and other advertisement publications – brochures, flyers, leaflets, etc. Final outputs/products are as follows: folded and online trimmed to final size sections, spineglued or stitched (2 staples) on line finished products, off line stitched or perfect bound catalogues or magazines. PDF files are transferred via net to our FTP server to dedicated address.
Social Links:
Malesice, Plzensky Kraj, Czech Republic
Czech Republic
Website Url:
Total Employee:
+420 2 6602 1111
Technology used in webpage:
Google Maps ReCAPTCHA CrUX Dataset CrUX Top 50m Google Maps API ReCAPTCHA V2 WPForms
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Investors List
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Official Site Inspections
- Host name:
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- Location: Czechia
- Latitude: 50.0848
- Longitude: 14.4112
- Timezone: Europe/Prague
More informations about "Svoboda Press"
Радио Свобода
Новости без цензуры, аргументированный и ответственный обмен мнениями, открытое и честное ...See details»
Freedom and Direct Democracy - Wikipedia
Freedom and Direct Democracy (Czech: Svoboda a přímá demokracie, SPD) is a political party in the Czech Republic. It is led by Tomio Okamura and it holds 20 seats in the Chamber of Deputies. The party has been described as right-wing or far-right on the political spectrum. It has also been described as espousing right-wing populism and has expressed See details»
Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty - Wikipedia
Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty (RFE/RL) is an American government-funded media organization broadcasting news and analyses in 27 languages to 23 countries across Eastern Europe, Central Asia, the Caucasus, and the Middle East. Headquartered in Prague since 1995, RFE/RL operates 21 local bureaus with over 500 core staff, 1,300 freelancers, and 680 employees at its corporat…See details»
Home - Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty
Nov 26, 2024 RFE/RL promotes democratic values by providing accurate, uncensored news and open debate in countries where a free press is threatened and disinformation is pervasive.See details»
Svobodná Evropa – Wikipedie
Logo stanice na nové budově stanice v Praze. Svobodná Evropa (plný anglický název Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, RFE/RL) je rozhlasová organizace vysílající zpravodajství do více zemí …See details»
Rádio Svobodná Evropa | Ministerstvo zahraničních věcí České …
Rádio Svobodná Evropa. 23.08.2023 / 14:05 | Aktualizováno: 25.09.2023 / 10:40 Rádio Svobodná Evropa (Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty) je rozhlasová organizace, jejímž posláním je …See details»
RFE/RL’s Radio Svoboda Celebrates 20 Years Online
Aug 11, 2017 Follow highlights from Radio Svoboda’s 20 years online @RFERLPress. Headquarters. Prague Headquarters. Vinohradska 159A 100 00 Prague 10 Czech Republic. Washington, D.C. Office. 1250 Connecticut Ave …See details»
Russian Service - Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty
Radio Svoboda reports on Russian political dissidents and democratic forces working to promote civil society in Russia, public corruption, and illegal businesses in Russian political spheres. Popular podcasts such as Time of …See details»
Association for Democracy Assistance and Human Rights
DEMAS logo . The Association for Democracy Assistance and Human Rights (DEMAS) (Czech: Asociace pro podporu demokracie a lidských práv) is a Czech organization founded in 2008 …See details»
Listen Live - Радіо Свобода - Радіо Свобода
Dec 18, 2018 Listen Радіо Свобода, Радіо Свобода audio on https://www.radiosvoboda.orgSee details»
Svoboda: Ať se lidovci sloučí s ODS, nebo osamostatní a ... -
Apr 17, 2024 Orientovat by se proto měli na starší konzervativní voliče a rozhodnout o svém postavení na politickém trhu. "Lidová strana má dvě možnosti. Udělat slučovací sjezd s ODS, …See details»
Cyril Svoboda | Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic
Jul 15, 2002 He graduated from the Faculty of Law, Charles University, in 1980. Between 1980 and 1983, Mr Svoboda worked as a legal officer for Transgas. He subsequently became a …See details»
Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty - Wikiwand
Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty (RFE/RL) is an American government-funded media organization broadcasting news and analyses in 27 languages to 23 countries [7] across …See details»
Cyril Svoboda - Wikipedia
Cyril Svoboda (born 25 November 1956) is a Czech politician, who was leader of the Christian and Democratic Union – Czechoslovak People's Party (KDU–ČSL) in 2001–2003 and …See details»
Collection: The Papers of Jan Svoboda | ArchiveSearch
Jan Svoboda was the personal secretary of Blazej Vilim, a leader of the Czech Social Democratic Party in exile. He was born in Czechoslovakia [later the Czech Republic and Slovakia] in 1902 …See details»
Svoboda (politická strana) – Wikipedie
Svoboda se aktivně účastnila protestů Euromajdan (19 jich bylo zabito při nepokojích v Kyjevě). [6] V parlamentních volbách v roce 2014 získala 7 mandátů a ztratila tak 30 mandátů oproti …See details»
Ivo Svoboda (politician) - Wikipedia
Ivo Svoboda (6 April 1948 – 23 February 2017) was a Czech politician and economist who served as 3rd Finance Minister of the Czech Republic from 1998 to 1999 in government of Prime …See details»
Lidovci řeší vyloučení Cyrila Svobody. „Měli ... - Seznam Zprávy
Apr 9, 2024 Dokazují to dřívější Svobodovy výroky a činy. V roce 2015, tedy po anexi Krymu, například Svoboda dal rozhovor prokremelské státní televizi Russia Today a ve stejném roce …See details»
Pavel Svoboda - Wikipedia
Pavel Svoboda (born 9 April 1962) is a Czech politician and lawyer and from 2014 to 2019 a Member of the European Parliament (MEP) from the Czech Republic for European People's …See details»