Since its inception in 2014, Tatakoto set out to disrupt the field of medical diagnostics by bringing mobile lab grade test results to people’s homes. Their innovative solution enables performing a wide array of health tests using just a micro fluid sample with instant results. Individualized and highly targeted programs are paving the path to removing the limits of health and human life span. Their team combines vast R&D experience in laboratory testing technologies and devices, entrepreneurial acumen and prior experience of building and growing companies from Start Up stage to 100mil+ annual revenue. We are operating around the World and continue their quest to improve the life of each human being.
Biotechnology Health Care Health Diagnostics Personal Health
London, England, United Kingdom
United Kingdom
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More informations about "Tatakoto"
Tatakoto Corporate Headquarters, Office Locations and Addresses
Tatakoto is headquartered in London, 91 Wimpole St, Marylebone, United Kingdom, and has 1 office location.See details»
Tatakoto Company Profile - Office Locations, Competitors ... - Craft
Tatakoto is a company developing a suite of tools and a mobile app to track the set of health and wellness indices. It enables customers to check hydration level, pH balance, oxidative stress, …See details»
たましげ琴製作所(山口県宇部市) - e楽器屋com
Nov 23, 2011 創業明治27年。山口県の特産品である琴を製造・販売しています。学校用・練習琴から柾琴、繰甲琴、あらゆる種類の琴を取りそろえ、音色の好みやご予算などご希望をお …See details»
有限会社たましげ - 製造業|うべ企業情報ナビ
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たましげ琴製作所|宇部市 - spibe
Mar 13, 2018 山口県で唯一の琴をつくる製作所が宇部にある。 琴の製造から販売までを一貫して行っている「たましげ」は明治27年、初代・玉重信太郎氏が和楽器販売を営んだのが始ま …See details»
[No.3]箏の製作(たましげ琴製作所) - UKETSUGUプロジェクト
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有限会社 たましげ (玉重琴製作所) - くすのき商工会|山口県宇部 …
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修理について・工場見学/体験学習 - たましげ琴製作所
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たましげ琴製作所|観る・遊ぶ|一般社団法人宇部観光コンベン …
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Tatakoto facts for kids - Kids encyclopedia
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