TBC Bank Uzbekistan is a subsidiary of TBC Bank Group, a leading banking and financial services. The Uzbekistan branch focuses on delivering innovative digital banking solutions to meet the growing demand for modern financial services in the country. TBC Bank Uzbekistan aims to leverage its parent company’s expertise in digital transformation to offer a wide range of financial products and services that are easily accessible through digital channels.
Banking Finance Financial Services FinTech
Tashkent, NA - Uzbekistan, Uzbekistan
Website Url:
Total Employee:
Total Funding:
191.1 M USD
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Domain Not Resolving Apache Cloudflare CDN Cloudflare Hosting Cloudflare Amazon S3 Amazon S3 CDN CrUX Top 5m Java EE Amazon Frankfurt Region
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Current Advisors List
Investors List
responsAbility Investments
responsAbility Investments investment in Debt Financing - TBC Bank Uzbekistan
BlueOrchard Finance S A
BlueOrchard Finance S A investment in Debt Financing - TBC Bank Uzbekistan
International Finance Corporation
International Finance Corporation investment in Funding Round - TBC Bank Uzbekistan
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development investment in Funding Round - TBC Bank Uzbekistan
Tbc Bank Group
Tbc Bank Group investment in Funding Round - TBC Bank Uzbekistan
responsAbility Investments
responsAbility Investments investment in Debt Financing - TBC Bank Uzbekistan
International Finance Corporation
International Finance Corporation investment in Venture Round - TBC Bank Uzbekistan
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development investment in Venture Round - TBC Bank Uzbekistan
Tbc Bank Group
Tbc Bank Group investment in Venture Round - TBC Bank Uzbekistan
Tbc Bank Group
Tbc Bank Group investment in Venture Round - TBC Bank Uzbekistan
Official Site Inspections
http://www.tbcbank.uz Semrush global rank: 513.84 K Semrush visits lastest month: 66.99 K
- Host name: server-18-160-10-85.iad12.r.cloudfront.net
- IP address:
- Location: United States
- Latitude: 37.751
- Longitude: -97.822
- Timezone: America/Chicago

More informations about "TBC Bank Uzbekistan"
Oʻzbekistondagi raqamli birinchi bank
Veb-sayt materiallaridan foydalanganda www.tbcbank.uz veb-sayti havolasi koʻrsatilishi shart. TBC - Oʻzbekistondagi raqamli birinchi bank. Uyingizda oʻtirib, bank xizmatlaridan foydalaning.See details»
Первый цифровой банк в Узбекистане - TBC BANK
При использовании материалов сайта ссылка на веб-сайт www.tbcbank.uz обязательна. Первый цифровой банк в Узбекистане - Делаем сложное простымSee details»
TBC Bank (Oʻzbekiston) - Vikipediya
TBC Bank — Oʻzbekistondagi aksiyadorlik tijorat banki . Gruziyaning TBC Bank Group PLC kompaniyasi shuʼba bankidir . Oʻzbekistondagi birinchi raqamli bank . Bank 2020-yil aprel oyida Markaziy bank litsenziyasini oldi va 2020-yil oktyabr oyida TBC Groupga tegishli boʻlgan va mobil ilova orqali chakana bank xizmatlarini taklif qiluvchi Space innovatsion fintech platformasi asosida tijorat faoliyatini boshladi. 2022-yilning iyul oyigacha bankning TBC …See details»
TBC has launched banking operations in Uzbekistan
TBC Bank TBC Insurance TBC Leasing TBC Capital TBC Pay TBC UZ Payme TNET. TBCG 3195.00 GBX 25.00 Email alerts. Menu Close. About us ... ir@tbcbank.com.ge. About TBC Bank Group PLC (“TBC PLC”) TBC PLC is a …See details»
Joint-Stock Commercial Bank “TBC Bank” - The Central Bank of the ...
Nov 4, 2020 About the bank About the bank. Legal status, goals, functions, values and mission; History of Banking System; The Executive Board; Bank Structure. Structural units; Territorial …See details»
"TBC Bank" aksiyadorlik tijorat banki - O‘zbekiston Respublikasi ...
Apr 11, 2020 Bank haqida Bank haqida. Huquqiy maqom, maqsadlar, vazifalar, qadriyatlar va missiya; Bank tizimi tarixi; Boshqaruv; Bank strukturasi. Tarkibiy bo‘linmalar; Hududiy Bosh …See details»
TBC UZ - LinkedIn
TBC UZ | 7,771 followers on LinkedIn. TBC Bank – Making people's life easier! | We are the team of the first digital bank in Uzbekistan. Our team is a squad of professionals doing the job they love.See details»
TBC Bank Uzbekistan - Crunchbase Company Profile & Funding
TBC Bank Uzbekistan has successfully raised a total of $38.2 million to expand its financial products. Additionally, the bank received $15 million from EBRD and IFC, and secured $10 …See details»
TBC Bank Uzbekistan - Devex
Learn more about TBC Bank Uzbekistan's jobs, projects, latest news, contact information and geographical presence. They are members of London based Financial Group with 25 years of …See details»
TBC UZ: Online Mobile Banking - Apps on Google Play
Nov 22, 2024 Welcome to TBC Bank! TBC UZ mobile application is designed to make your life easier and more convenient. With it, you can get a loan, transfer money, order a card or open a deposit remotely - all you need is a phone and …See details»
TBC Bank Uzbekistan was named "The Best Digital Bank of
Nov 10, 2021 Tashkent, Uzbekistan (UzDaily.com) --TBC Bank Uzbekistan received the "Best Digital Bank of Uzbekistan 2021" award from the international financial publication The Global …See details»
Veb-sayt materiallaridan foydalanganda www.tbcbank.uz veb-sayti havolasi koʻrsatilishi shart. Mahsulotlar Biz haqimizda. Helloblog. Yordam. Uz. Ру. Ovozli yordamchi. Ilovani yuklab olish. …See details»
TBC obtains banking licence in Uzbekistan | TBC Bank
TBC Bank TBC Insurance TBC Leasing TBC Capital TBC Pay TBC UZ Payme TNET. TBCG 2907.30 GBX 57.30 Email alerts. Menu Close. About us ... ir@tbcbank.com.ge. About TBC …See details»
TBC obtains preliminary banking licence in Uzbekistan | TBC Bank
TBC Bank TBC Insurance TBC Leasing TBC Capital TBC Pay TBC UZ Payme TNET. TBCG 3275.00 GBX 0.00 Email alerts. Menu Close. About us ... ir@tbcbank.com.ge. About TBC …See details»
TBC Bank Uzbekistan attracted $35.1 million of additional capital
Aug 8, 2022 Altogether, the investments in TBC UZ totaled US $79,8 million. According to the investment agreement, further capital increases are also planned for 2023 and 2024. In the …See details»
TBC Bank Uzbekistan Company Profile 2024: Valuation, Funding ...
TBC Bank Uzbekistan General Information Description. Operator of a digital bank intended to serve retail customers and small and medium enterprises. The company offers online services …See details»
Bu kompaniyalar o‘rtasidagi uchinchi bitim: natijada responsAbility Investments tomonidan TBC UZ olgan moliyalashtirishning umumiy hajmi 35 million AQSh dollariga yetdi. Yangi mablag‘lar …See details»
IFC and EBRD to acquire stakes in TBC Bank Uzbekistan
Sep 30, 2021 The International Finance Corporation (IFC) and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) are promoting increased private-sector participation …See details»
TBC UZ - Facebook
TBC UZ. 7,738 likes · 1,862 talking about this. TBC Bank – O‘zbekistondagi raqamli birinchi bank, London fond birjasi a’zosi.See details»
Onlayn-banking - tbcbank.uz
2018-yil Oʻzbekistonda virtual banklarni ochish uchun qulay sharoitlarni yaratish yoʻlida ilk qadamlar qoʻyildi. Bundan “Oʻzbekiston Respublikasi Markaziy bankining faoliyatini tubdan …See details»