Tel Aviv Museum of Art is a municipal museum, one of Israel's leading artistic and cultural institutions. The museum comprises various departments: The Department of Israeli Art, which holds a comprehensive collection of local art from the beginning of the 20th century to the present; the Department of Modern and Contemporary Art, which encompasses international works from the mid-19th century to the present; the Department of Prints and Drawings; the Department of Photography; the Department of... Architecture and Design; and the Old Masters Department, with art from the 16th to the 19th century. In addition to its extensive program of permanent and changing exhibitions, the museum offers a vibrant selection of programs and activities for adults, youth and children: concerts, classes, lectures, guided tours, workshops, and more. The museum was envisioned and founded in 1932 by the first Mayor of Tel Aviv, Meir Dizengoff, in his private home on Rothschild Boulevard. Since then, it has changed locations and developed significantly. The museum's collection, which originally comprised only a few dozen items, has grown steadily โ in great part through generous donations by collectors and artists, and thanks to the dedication and support of the museum's local and international committees and friends. The museum is currently situated in three main buildings: The Helena Rubinstein Pavilion for Contemporary Art, built in the heart of the city in 1959, was the museum's abode for twelve years and today showcases mainly temporary exhibitions; the Main Building on Shaul Hamelech Boulevard, which opened in 1971; and adjacent to it, the new Herta and Paul Amir Building, inaugurated in the Fall of 2011, which doubled the museum's exhibition space. Designed by American architect Preston Scott Cohen, this innovative building is an international landmark at the center of Tel Aviv, Israelโs cultural capital. The museum's extended exhibition space also includes the Lola Beer Ebner Sculpture Garden, and Nata's Garden. The Joseph and Rebecca Meyerhoff Art Education Center, operating from its own building since 1988 and offering a wide variety of art workshops, is also an integral part of the museum.
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More informations about "Tel Aviv Museum of Art"
Museum Staff \ Tel Aviv Museum of Art -
Tel Aviv Museum of Art 27 Shaul HaMelech Blvd., Tel Aviv | Phone no. +972-3-6077020See details»
ืฆืืืช ืืืืืืืื / ืืืืืืื ืชื ืืืื ืืืื ืืช
ืืืืืืื ืชื ืืืื ืืืื ืืช (ืืืดืฆ) ืฉืืณ ืฉืืื ืืืื 27, ืชื ืืืื | ืืืณ 03-6077020See details»
Tel Aviv Museum of Art -
Updates The Museum operates in accordance with the instructions of the Home Front Command and includes several secure spaces. We make every effort to ensure your visit is pleasant and โฆSee details»
Tel Aviv Museum of Art - Wikipedia
The Tel Aviv Museum of Art was established in 1932 in a building at 16 Rothschild Boulevard that was the former home of Tel Aviv's first mayor, Meir Dizengoff, who had donated the property for a museum in memory of his wife, Zina, following her death in 1930. On 14 May 1948, 250 delegates quietly gathered at the museum for the historic signing of the Israeli Declaration of IndependenceSee details»
The Tel Aviv Museum of Art is one of the most important museums in Israel. The municipal museum was founded in 1932 by Tel Aviv's first mayor Meir Dizengoff in his private home and โฆSee details»
ืืืืืืื ืชื ืืืื ืืืื ืืช -
ืขืืืื ืื ืืืืืืืื ืคืืขื ืืืชืื ืืื ืืืืช ืคืืงืื ืืขืืจืฃ ืืืืื ืืกืคืจ ืืจืืืื ืืืื ืื. ืื ื ืขืืฉืื ืื ืืืืฅ ืืืืืื ืฉืืืืืืช ืืืืงืืจ ืชืืื ื ืขืืื ืืืืืืSee details»
ืืืืืืื ืชื ืืืื ืืืื ืืช โ ืืืงืืคืืื
ืืกืืืื ืืืฉื ืฉื ืืืืืืืื ืฉืขืืฆื ืื ืจืืืื ืืจ. ืืืืืืื ืชื ืืืื ืืืื ืืช ืืื ืืื ืืืืืืืื ื ืืืื ืืช ืืืฉืืืื ืืืฉืจืื.ืืืืืืืื ืคืืขื ืืื ืืืจืืคืืืื ืืืฉ ืื ืืืืืื ืืื ืืงืืชื ื-1932 ืืขื ืืืื ืืืกื ืืื ืืช ืืชืจืืืช โฆSee details»
About \ Tel Aviv Museum of Art -
Tel Aviv Museum of Art โ Israelโs first art museum, founded in 1932 โ is a leading and influential institution dedicated to the preservation and display of modern and contemporary art from โฆSee details»
Tel Aviv Museum of Art -
Updates The Museum operates in accordance with the instructions of the Home Front Command and includes several secure spaces. We make every effort to ensure your visit is pleasant and โฆSee details»
Friends \ Tel Aviv Museum of Art -
Yoomee Ohayon Tel. +972-50-8775745 / +972-3-6077048 [email protected]. ... Friends Organizations Abroad The International Friends of the Tel Aviv Museum of Art (TAMA) are an โฆSee details»
History \ Tel Aviv Museum of Art -
It features a large gallery for family-oriented exhibitions, spacious art workshops, a lobby for gatherings and organization of tours and Museum events, and more. During Ms. Landauโs โฆSee details»
ืืืืืช / ืืืืืืื ืชื ืืืื ืืืื ืืช -
ืืืืืืื ืชื ืืืื ืืืื ืืช โ ืืืืจ ืืืืืืื ื ืืืื ืืช ืืืฉืจืื, ืฉื ืืกื ืึพ1932 โ ืืื ืืืกื ืืืืื ืืจืึพืืฉืคืขื ืืืืงืืฉ ืืืืกืืฃ, ืฉืืืืจ ืืชืฆืืื ืฉื ืืื ืืช ืืืืจื ืืช ืืขืืฉืืืืช ืืืืจืฅ ืืืืขืืื.See details»
Paulson Family Foundation Building \ Tel Aviv Museum of Art
The Museumโs Main Building is part of the Tel Aviv-Yafo Civic Center which includes additional cultural institutions, such as the Beit Ariella Public Library, the Cameri Theater, and the โฆSee details»
The Museum Archive \ Tel Aviv Museum of Art -
Tel. +972-3-6077445 [email protected]. To arrange a visit and other details Tel. +972-3-6077445 [email protected]. Page from Dizengoffโs notebook discussing the Museum, โฆSee details»
Art Library \ Tel Aviv Museum of Art -
Tel. +972-3-6077060 [email protected]. Opening hours Sunday. Closed Monday-Thursday. 10:00โ16:00 Friday. Closed Saturday. Closed Sukkot 16-28/10. Closed Entrance fees โฆSee details»
ืืืกืืืจืื / ืืืืืืื ืชื ืืืื ืืืื ืืช
ืืืืืืื ืชื ืืืื ืืืงื ืึพ1932, ืืืืืืช ืจืืฉ ืืขืืจ ืืจืืฉืื ืฉื ืืขืืจ, ืืืืจ ืืืื ืืืฃ. ืืื ืจืื ืืขืื ื ืจืืื ืืช ืฆืืืืช ืชื ืืืื ืืืจื ืืืืจื ื ืฉืืงืง ืืืื, ืขื ืื ืืืคืืื ืื ืืชืจืืืชืืื, ืืื ืืืืืืื ืืืื ืืช.See details»
ืืืืข ืืืืงืืจ / ืืืืืืื ืชื ืืืื ืืืื ืืช
ืื' 03-6077020 ืืขื ื ืืืคืื ื: ืจืืฉืืโืืืืฉื, 09:00โ17:00 ืืื"ื: [email protected]. ืื ืืืช ืืชืขืืืืช โ ืื ืืื ืืืืืืืื ืืื ื ืืืฆืืช ืืจืืืก ืื ืื . ืืืจืืื ืืชืืงืื ...See details»
Collection \ Tel Aviv Museum of Art -
Since its founding, the Tel Aviv Museum of Artโs collection has grown and evolved on two parallel tracks โ domestic and international. It comprises extensive collections of modern and โฆSee details»
Visit \ Tel Aviv Museum of Art -
Helena is a contemporary wine bar inspired by the pinxto bar culture of San Sebastian in the Basque Country in Spain and Venice's cicchetti tradition in the Veneto region of Italy. In โฆSee details»