
TemplateTrip is a leading Web Development company, founded by Punit Korat in 2013 Year, and includes a team of design, Internet and media veterans who share a passion for helping people bring their offline business to online. TemplateTrip authors have created thousands of ecommerce templates using the latest technologies available in the market, TemplateTrip is based in Surat (India) having 50+ employees with sales and services in more than 100 countries, Focused on converting your offline busin... ess to online. At TemplateTrip, we develop premium ecommerce web templates to give a boost to your online business globally. We have wide range of templates available for different CMS like WordPress, Shopify, Prestashop, Opencart. TemplateTrip Marketplace makes it easy to design, publish, promote, and sell professional-quality ecommerce templates. We help our customers realize the power of digital transformation without the complexity and expense of managing it on their own, with our comprehensive portfolio of managed services โ€” across Template Development, Store setup etc. TemplateTrip is all about amazing design with simplistic, perfect code that creates an awesome user experience. We want you to be able to buy our theme, install it, and quickly customize it according to your needs. With our flexible framework and intuitive templates options, you will be able to easily build your online store without hassle or trouble. There is no need to wrangle with the code or figure out, what CSS you need to change the styling, padding etc, everything can easily be done with the options we include. Using a TemplateTrip templateโ€™s is actually fun, and you will be amazed at what you can do with our powerful tools. TemplateTripโ€™s name is reflected through the sales & high ratings, Templates are included with banners with parallax, slider and video functionality. The short-codes are great for items like testimonials and Google Maps, while the pages layout allow for wish-lists and portfolios. Along with a mega menu, newsletter widgets and a beautiful blog for improving your SEO, The unlimited colorโ€™s and backgrounds are great for branding your online store, while the Google Fonts make it even more easier to change the website tone. New launced and featured products can be shown through widgets on the homepage, and the product pages have zooming features,related products, reviews, comments and social media sharing buttons. Our templates is one to keep your eye on. We encourage you to try TemplateTrip, it will change your outlook on what this templates can do. Our first priority is our clients, and we live this out by providing each and every user with top rated support. Plain and simple, we love our clients! When you need help, you can contact us. We take pride in helping you with each and every aspect, and the services we provide to our Clients. We strive to make our themes as user-friendly and flexible as they can be.

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E-Commerce Information Technology Software Web Development


Surat, Gujarat, India


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Email Addresses:
[email protected]

Technology used in webpage:
Viewport Meta IPhone / Mobile Compatible SPF SSL By Default Google Font API Apple Mobile Web Clips Icon WordPress Content Delivery Network Apache Wordpress Plugins

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Current Employees Featured


Punit Korat
Punit Korat CEO & Founder @ TemplateTrip
CEO & Founder



Punit Korat

Official Site Inspections

http://www.templatetrip.com Semrush global rank: 1.41 M Semrush visits lastest month: 20.14 K

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  • Location: Germany
  • Latitude: 51.2993
  • Longitude: 9.491
  • Timezone: Europe/Berlin

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