
TetaTet is a business social network offering a range of services such as document sharing, questions and answers, groups, communities, job, service and event listings, and more. TetaTet was established in Cluj-Napoca, Romania.

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Social Media

Cluj, Cluj, Romania


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Current Employees Featured


Mihaly Vajda
Mihaly Vajda Co-Founder @ TetaTet


Dragos Birlea
Dragos Birlea Co-Founder @ TetaTet


Adrian Sabau
Adrian Sabau Co-Founder @ TetaTet


Emil Crisan
Emil Crisan Co-Founder @ TetaTet


Raluca Rus
Raluca Rus Advisor and Co-Founder @ TetaTet
Advisor and Co-Founder



Adrian Sabau


Dragos Birlea


Emil Crisan


Mihaly Vajda


Raluca Rus


Rares Dragan

Official Site Inspections


  • Host name:
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  • Location: Canada
  • Latitude: 43.6319
  • Longitude: -79.3716
  • Timezone: America/Toronto

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More informations about "TetaTet"

TetaTet - Crunchbase Company Profile & Funding

TetaTet is a business social network offering a range of services such as document sharing, questions and answers, groups, communities, job, service and event listings, and more. …See details»

Tetatet - Crunchbase Company Profile & Funding

TetaTet is a business social network that offers document sharing, Q&A, groups, communities, jobs, services, and event listings to its users. TetaTet was founded by Adrian Sabau, Rares Dragan, Mihaly Vajda, Emil Crisan, Dragos Birlea, …See details»

TetaTet | RomanianStartups.com

Tetatet.ro is the first and most important social network for Romanian professionals. The main services offered to its community members are: – Connections, recommendations and …See details»

Tetatet - Overview, News & Similar companies | ZoomInfo.com

View Tetatet (www.tetatet.ro) location in Cluj, Romania , revenue, industry and description. Find related and similar companies as well as employees by title and much more. ... Tetatet is a …See details»

Mihaly Vajda - Co-Founder @ TetaTet - Crunchbase

Mihaly Vajda is a senior HR consultant at AGORA Consulting, an executive search company, and a co-founder of TetaTet.ro, a leading Romanian business social network. He also worked at …See details»

Tetatet.ro - reteaua sociala a profesionistilor

Site-ul Tetatet.ro - reteaua sociala a profesionistilor are urmatoarea prezentare: Tetatet se adreseaza profesionistilor din orice domeniu de activitate care cauta oportunitati de colaborare …See details»

Tetatet - LinkedIn

Tetatet se adreseaza profesionistilor din orice domeniu de activitate care cauta oportunitati de colaborare sau de cariera, oferindu-le un cadru modular si scalabil pentru dezvoltare …See details»

Cum te ajută tetatet.ro să-ţi găseşti un job pe internet

Dec 7, 2011 De ce ÅŸi-ar face cineva un cont pe tetatet.ro dacă are deja unul pe LinkedIn? Pentru a putea să-ÅŸi crească influenÅ£a profesională, pentru a-ÅŸi dezvolta comunitatea locală, pentru a …See details»

Adevărul Holding, partener tetatet.ro

Nov 17, 2011 „Tetatet.ro are viziunea, echipa, tehnologia ÅŸi produsul pentru a crea valoare adaugată pentru firme de recrutare, persoane care sunt în căutarea unui job ÅŸi antreprenori, …See details»

Emil Crisan - Co-Founder @ TetaTet - Crunchbase Person Profile

Emil Crisan is a management and logistics consultant at AGORA Consulting, an executive search company, and a co-founder of TetaTet.ro, a lea...See details»

tetatet.ro, reteaua sociala a Adevarului | RefreshRo

Nov 19, 2011 Ce este insa cu adevarat de retinut din intreg articolul este declaratia lui Mike Costache 1, actionar si membru al board-ului tetatet.ro: parteneriatul cu trustul Adevarul se …See details»

Adevărul Holding, investiÅ£ie în reÅ£eaua de ... - adevarul.ro

Cei mai mulÅ£i membri tetatet.ro sunt din BucureÅŸti ÅŸi Cluj (24% fiecare). Aproape jumătate dintre utilizatori sunt în segmentul de vârstă 26 - 40 de ani, iar 55% din utilizatori sunt femei. Cea mai …See details»

Raluca Rus - Advisor and Co-Founder @ TetaTet - Crunchbase

Raluca Rus is a legal advisor and co-founder of TetaTet.ro, a leading Romanian business social network. She is currently based in Cluj, Roma... Search Crunchbase. Start Free Trial . Chrome …See details»

Work and travel in Canada using a recognized organization

If you want to come to Canada to work and travel under International Experience Canada (IEC), you can contact a recognized organization (RO) for help to plan your trip. ROs are youth …See details»

Sale offer for: tetatet.ro - mydomaincontact.com

Tetatet.ro. If you want to buy this domain, please fill out this form. Name The form was not filled out completely. Please try it again. E-Mail Address The form was not filled out completely. …See details»

adevarul holding - toate articolele despre adevarul holding scrise …

Aug 20, 2022 Adevărul Holding a devenit acÅ£ionar la una dintre cele mai complexe reÅ£ele sociale pentru profesioniÅŸtii români ÅŸi utilizatorii „business", tetatet.ro. Parteneriatul dintre site-ul de …See details»

tetAtet - Crunchbase Company Profile & Funding

TetAtet enables businesses to check availability, negotiate and place orders with their suppliers easily and quickly. Items from various suppliers can be placed in a single intelligent basket that …See details»

santiccioli.com | Davide Groppi Tetatet

It is the most beautiful light in the world. The light which turns everything more real and deeper. The light which makes us feel unique around a table. A timeless icon with an eye on the future. …See details»

TetaTet - Contacts, Employees, Board Members, Advisors & Alumni

Organization. TetaTet . Connect to CRM . Save . Summary. People. Technology. Signals & News. Similar Companies. Highlights. Employee Profiles 4. About. TetaTet has 4 current employee …See details»

Andrei Dunca - Crunchbase Person Profile

In 2007, Dunca co-founded two startups: Trilulilu.ro, a user-generated content (UGC) website where users can view, upload and share videos, images and audio file, and Liverail.com, a …See details»