
Tize is both an advertising platform and a monetization tool for musicians and internet content creators. Paste your links into our URL shortener, and you can create Tize links, which earn you money whenever someone clicks on them. By sharing the links online, you give Tize advertisers a way to reach a wider audience with their content, and in return, they pay you for every view you get them. Creating an ad with our ad builder is just as easy, and it allows you to showcase your work in a bea... utiful new way. We give you the entire web-page for your ad, and 10 whole seconds of just your ad on the screen, with no other distractions or gimmicks. Your ad will appear on Tize links, in between the person clicking on the link and the person arriving at the link destination. We actually require that the user opt in to viewing your ad before they see it, because we want to ensure that your audience will actually be receptive. You can pay for as many or as little views as you like, and there's no complicated bidding process involved: it's just one flat rate ($0.015 per view). A cent and a half, that's it! We have several ad templates to choose from, and we give you full creative control over your ad! You can even upload gifs to make your ad dynamic and engaging (read: the pictures move!). Also, if you can't afford to pay for advertising, that's okay! Our website is completely free to use, and you can create an ad and share the link yourself if you'd like to. We even have a complimentary service called TAP (Tize Ad Player) that acts as a music player for Tize ads, which you can opt into for free to gain exposure. We wanted to make Tize as accessible to everyone as possible, and we hope you decide to join us! Love, The Tize Fam

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Social Links:

Advertising Advertising Platforms Music Music Streaming Video Video Advertising


San Diego, California, United States

United States

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Email Addresses:
[email protected]

Technology used in webpage:
Viewport Meta IPhone / Mobile Compatible SPF SSL By Default Google Font API LetsEncrypt Apache Mobile Non Scaleable Content Google Apps For Business ReCAPTCHA



Cameron Chear


Keith Choison

Official Site Inspections

http://www.tize.io Semrush global rank: 1.94 M Semrush visits lastest month: 11.12 K

  • Host name:
  • IP address:
  • Location: San Francisco United States
  • Latitude: 37.7353
  • Longitude: -122.3732
  • Metro Code: 807
  • Timezone: America/Los_Angeles
  • Postal: 94124

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