
Tongrentang is a long-established brand of Chinese medicine industry. It has been established since 1669 and has a history of more than 300 years. In August 1992, China Tongrentang Group Corporation was formally established. In June 1997, Beijing Tongrentang Co., Ltd. was listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange. In March 2000, Beijing Tongrentang Co., Ltd. sank part of the excellent assets to form Beijing Tongrentang Technology Development Co., Ltd., and listed on the Growth Enterprise Market of t... he Hong Kong Stock Exchange at the end of October of the same year. After the listing, Tong Ren Tang Technology has maintained a good performance and was officially transferred to the main board of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange on July 9, 2010, stock code 01666. Tongrentang Technology, as a high-tech modern Chinese medicine enterprise under the Tongrentang Group, integrates production, supply and marketing, insists on inheriting and carrying forward the Tongrentang royal medicine pharmaceutical tradition, relying on modern pharmaceutical technology, and taking “same repairing Rende, helping the world to maintain health” as its responsibility, insisting on “recipe Unique, superior materials, exquisite craftsmanship, and remarkable curative effect. All production workshops are designed, modified and operated in strict accordance with GMP standards. They are famous for their high production potential, large dosage forms and good product quality. They company not only has all production lines. All of them have passed the national GMP certification, and also have a number of production lines that have passed the Australian TGA certification and the Japanese Ministry of Health and Welfare certification. The company also passed the IS09001 quality system certification as early as 2003.

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Tongrentang - Crunchbase Company Profile & Funding

Tongrentang is a long-established brand of Chinese medicine industry. It has been established since 1669 and has a history of more than 300 years.See details»


自1723 年(清雍正元年)为清宫供御药,历经八代皇帝长达188 年。同仁堂品牌始创于 1669 年(清康熙八年)。See details»


北京同仁堂科技发展股份有限公司是一家历史悠久的中药企业,成立于1669年,现已在香港联交所上市。See details»

北京同仁堂 | 350多年御藥匠心 世代傳承

北京同仁堂 | 350年御藥匠心 世代傳承. 北京同仁堂創建於1669年,自雍正元年欽定為宮廷供奉御藥,歷經八代皇帝,長達188年。北京同仁堂的產品以「配方獨特、選料上乘、工藝精湛、療 …See details»

同仁堂科技 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书

39°48′11″N 116°31′03″E / 39.803095°N 116.5173912°E 北京同仁堂科技發展股份有限公司(港交所:01666)是同仁堂旗下公司,成立於2000年,是一家中國的製藥公司。同仁堂科技的主要產品包括六味地黄丸、感冒清熱顆粒及牛黄解毒片。 同仁堂科技於2000年10月於香港交易所創業板上市,當時之上市編號為8069…See details»

Beijing Tong Ren Tang | Healthy Life Global Choice

Founded in 1669, Beijing Tong Ren Tang was the only one serving the royal families with Chinese medicine over the reign of 8 emperors(for 188 years).See details»


Monthly Return for the month ended 31 July 2023 (8/01) 2023/08/01; Monthly Return for the month ended 30 June 2023 (7/03) 2023/07/03; LIST OF DIRECTORS AND THEIR ROLES …See details»


同仁堂是我国中药行业的老字号,始创于1669年至今已有300多年的历史。1992年8月,中国北京同仁堂集团公司正式成立。1997年6月,北京同仁堂股份有限公司隆重挂牌,在上海证交所上 …See details»


同仁堂是我国中药行业的老字号,始创于1669年至今已有300多年的历史。1992年8月,中国北京同仁堂集团公司正式成立。1997年6月,北京同仁堂股份有限公司隆重挂牌,在上海证交所上 …See details»


同仁堂是我国中药行业的老字号,始创于1669年至今已有300多年的历史。1992年8月,中国北京同仁堂集团公司正式成立。1997年6月,北京同仁堂股份有限公司隆重挂牌,在上海证交所上 …See details»

北京同仁堂科技发展股份有限公司 - 爱企查

爱企查为您提供北京同仁堂科技发展股份有限公司的企业信息查询服务,查询北京同仁堂科技发展股份有限公司工商注册信息、电话邮箱、公司地址、经营风险、控股持股、发展动态、财务状 …See details»


通讯地址:北京市丰台区南三环中路20号; No.20 Nansanhuan Zhonglu Road.Fengtai District, Beijing,China; 邮编(P.C):100079; 总机(TEL):(8610)87632888See details»


SENIOR MANAGEMENT. Mr. Guan Jun Wei, aged 47, is a senior engineer with a PhD degree.He formerly served as the general manager of the Harbin Pharm. Group Sanjing Yingmei …See details»

北京同仁堂科技发展股份有限公司制药厂 - 爱企查

爱企查为您提供北京同仁堂科技发展股份有限公司制药厂的企业信息查询服务,查询北京同仁堂科技发展股份有限公司制药厂工商注册信息、电话邮箱、公司地址、经营风险、控股持股、发展 …See details»

北京同仁堂科技发展股份有限公司 - 企查查

Mar 22, 2000 企查查为您提供北京同仁堂科技发展股份有限公司的最新工商信息、公司简介、公司地址、电话号码、招聘信息、信用信息、财务信息、法律诉讼等多维度详细信息查询,让您 …See details»

Organization: Tong Ren Tang Technologies LEI …

Tong Ren Tang Technologies. Information about the issuer. News and credit ratings. (LEI 300300669R6K7U9JKE85). Tables with accounting and financial reporting.See details»

同仁堂科技协同办公系统 -

App扫一扫,快速登录 ©2024 北京同仁堂科技发展股份有限公司北京同仁堂科技发展股份有限公司See details»


Interim results announcement for the six months ended 30 jun. 2015/08/20; announcement on results of subsidiary(08/11) 2015/08/11; notice of board meeting(08/10)See details»

1666.HK - | Stock Price & Latest News | Reuters

Mar 4, 2025 Get Tong Ren Tang Technologies Co Ltd (1666.HK) real-time stock quotes, news, price and financial information from Reuters to inform your trading and investmentsSee details»


THE FINAL DIVIDEND FOR THE YEAR 2007 (03/19) 2008/03/19; Change in Chairman,General manager and Appointment of Qualif. 2008/03/18; ANNUAL RESULTS ANNOUNCEMENT …See details» © 2022. All rights reserved