
Founded in beautiful Guangzhou in 2014, Top is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Top Medical Group. Top's gene has always been committed to patient-centered and improving human health. With the " gene + referral " integrated service, the combination of " scientific research + clinical " application, and the " gene + cell " dual-engine drive model, the clinical application of precision medicine is promoted, thus driving the rapid development of science and technology in the field of genes and cells.

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Biotechnology Health Care Medical


Guangzhou, Guangdong, China


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[email protected]

Total Funding:
200 M CNY

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Investors List


Guangzhou Yuexiu Industrial Investment Fund

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Official Site Inspections

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  • Location: Hangzhou China
  • Latitude: 30.294
  • Longitude: 120.1619
  • Timezone: Asia/Shanghai

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More informations about "TopGene"

TopGene - Crunchbase Company Profile & Funding

Contact Email [email protected]; Phone Number 4006-268-862; Founded in beautiful Guangzhou in 2014, Top is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Top Medical Group. Top's gene has always been …See details»

拓普基因-关于我们 - Topgene

拓普基因是一家以二代高通量测序为基础、肿瘤精准诊疗为核心,专注于推动基因测序、大数据分析、人工智能和精准医疗领域新技术的深度融合,集聚全球高端医疗资源和一流生物技术的国 …See details»


广州拓普基因科技有限公司 粤icp备14100823号-2 粤icp备14100823号-2See details»

Welcome to ToppGene

ToppFun: Transcriptome, ontology, phenotype, proteome, and pharmacome annotations based gene list functional enrichment analysis Detect functional enrichment of your gene list based …See details»

ToppGene - Crunchbase Company Profile & Funding

ToppGene is a Guangzhou-based DNA testing and precision medicine start-up. Founded in 2014, TopGene focuses on DNA testing and screening of genes connected to breast cancer, …See details»

Topgene - Crunchbase Company Profile & Funding

Topgene is a hi-tech CRO characterized by large animal tests and based on new drug research and evaluation. Search Crunchbase. ... and evaluation, molecular imaging technology, and …See details»

Company Introduction_Introduction_拓普奥咨达(广州 ... - Topgene

TopGene is a top biotech company with high-throughput sequencing as the basis, and precise tumor diagnosis and treatment as the core. TopGene focuses on the deep integration of gene …See details»

TopGene Company Profile 2024: Valuation, Funding & Investors

TopGene General Information Description. Developer of a technology intended to offer DNA testing and precision medicine services. The company's technology focuses on DNA testing …See details»

Hubei Topgene Biotechnology Co., Ltd.

Hubei Topgene Biotechnology Co., Ltd., shorted as Topgenebio, founded in 2009, headquartered at Biolake (Optics Valley) in Wuhan East Lake High-Tech Development Zone, China, is a …See details»

TopGene - Products, Competitors, Financials, Employees, …

TopGene focuses on biotechnology and genetic technology within the healthcare sector. Use the CB Insights Platform to explore TopGene's full profile. TopGene - Products, Competitors, …See details»

Topgene Biotechnology Company Profile 2024: Valuation, Funding ...

The current revenue for Topgene Biotechnology is 000000. Who are Topgene Biotechnology’s investors? GL Ventures, Baizhuangde Capital, China Bird Group, BOC Guangdong Finance , …See details»

ToppGene - Company Profile - Tracxn

5 days ago ToppGene - Developer of noninvasive cancer diagnostics for personalised treatment. Raised a total funding of $14.6M over 1 round from 1 investor. ToppGene has 540 competitors.See details»

拓普基因-企业动态 - Topgene

TopGene. 从不足50㎡到如今的2000 ㎡. 一步一个脚印. 一年又一年的稳扎稳打. 才拥有了今天的成绩. 展望未来. 我们始终坚信. 未来我们一定能继续. 乘风破浪,共创辉煌! 再接再厉,收获梦 …See details»

Welcome to Topgene & Osmunda Medical Device Co.,Ltd.

Topgene & Osmunda Medical Device Co.,Ltd. Fourth floor, self-numbering No.1, Dongjing Road 5, Donghua Industrial Zone, Renhe Town, Baiyun District, Guangzhou, China 400-838-7227See details»

ToppGene Suite Help

ToppGene gene prioritization. A one-stop portal for gene list enrichment analysis and candidate gene prioritization based on functional annotations and protein interactions networkSee details»

ToppGene Suite for gene list enrichment analysis and candidate …

May 22, 2009 Application. Description. Input. Output.; ToppFun: Detects functional enrichment of input gene list based on Transcriptome (gene expression), Proteome (protein domains and …See details»

拓普基因-企业动态 -

2022年2月27日下午,中国健康扶贫工程创始人,农工民主党中央社会服务部原部长,健康中国工程管理委员会主任兼秘书长严晓蒸先生、中国未来研究会企业分会鞠文涛会长、章健副会长等 …See details»

Assessing concordance among human, - Oxford Academic

May 29, 2019 E-mail: [email protected] or [email protected] or [email protected]. Search for other works by this author on: Oxford Academic. PubMed. …See details»

ToppGene - Gene Priortization

ToppGene: Candidate gene prioritization Select your gene identifier type, paste your training and test gene sets below or select example sets, then submit.See details» © 2022. All rights reserved