Organizations in Psychology

Name Industry Address
toniqbrain_logo ToniQbrain
toniQbrain They Provide Information About Health.
Health Care, Health Diagnostics, Psychology, Robotics, Service Industry Bucharest, Bucuresti, Romania
better-u_logo Better U
Better U is an alternative mental health organization that offers psychedelic therapy, ketamine treatments, and integration coaching.
Health Care, Mental Health, Psychology, Therapeutics, Wellness Las Vegas, Nevada, United States
verywell-mind_logo Verywell Mind
Verywell Mind is an online resource for mental health and psychology topics information.
Health Care, Mental Health, Online Portals, Podcast, Psychology, Wellness New York, New York, United States
neosperience_logo Neosperience
Digital Customer Experience and Customer Analytics software vendor that integrates marketing psychology with AI and machine learning.
Analytics, Artificial Intelligence, Customer Service, E-Commerce, Machine Learning, Marketing Automation, Psychology, SaaS, Social Media Marketing, Software Brescia, Lombardia, Italy
Affinity helps people discover and connect with other like-minded people through psychometrics and machine learning.
Lifestyle, Machine Learning, Psychology, Social Media Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
maps-public-benefit-corp_logo MAPS Public Benefit, Corp.
Maps Public Benefit, Corp. catalyzes healing and well-being through psychedelic drug development, therapist training programs.
Clinical Trials, Email, Health Care, Legal, Medical, Personal Development, Psychology San Jose, California, United States
zoala_logo Zoala
SaaS, Mobile App, Mental Wellness, AI/ML
Artificial Intelligence (AI), Mental Health, mHealth, Psychology, SaaS, Wellness Singapore, Central Region, Singapore
tired-of-cancer-b-v_logo Tired Of Cancer B.V.
Tired of Cancer B.V. is a mental health care startup that helps patients over the world to improve their energy levels and quality of life.
Health Care, mHealth, Personal Health, Psychology, Wellness Utrecht, Utrecht, The Netherlands
chimp-or-champ_logo Chimp Or Champ
Chimp or Champ is a weekly anonymous employee happiness meter for you to check your team pulse and achieve better results.
Psychology, Software N/A
privatpraxis-für-psychotherapie_logo Privatpraxis Für Psychotherapie
Privatpraxis Für Psychotherapie offers health care services.
Health Care, Psychology, Therapeutics, Wellness München, Bayern, Germany
my-online-camp_logo Ryzer
We help athletes and teams gain a physical and mental edge.
College Recruiting, Event Management, Event Promotion, Psychology, Reservations, Sports, Ticketing Urbandale, Iowa, United States
iona-mind_logo Iona Mind
Iona Mind develops an application that delivers evidence-based and personalized mental health support.
Health Care, Psychology, Software, Wellness San Francisco, California, United States
ademotion_logo AdEmotion
Automated creation of personalized digital advertising based on psychographics and visual preferences.
Advertising, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Digital Marketing, Psychology Gdansk, Pomorskie, Poland
parnassia-groep_logo Parnassia Groep
Parnassia Groep is a Mental Health Care.
Health Care, Medical, Psychology, Service Industry Den Haag, Zuid-Holland, The Netherlands
devas_logo Devas
Using your mobile phone to support you with your mental health
Health Care, Health Diagnostics, Medical Device, mHealth, Personal Health, Psychology, Wellness N/A
cimhs---centre-for-interactive-mental-health-solutions_logo CIMHS - Centre For Interactive Mental Health Solutions
CIMHS is a not-for-profit that provides accessible, scientific, and confidential interactive therapy program for depression online.
Health Care, Psychology Toronto, Ontario, Canada
centro-escolar-university_logo Centro Escolar University
Centro Escolar University engages in training in all branches of the arts and sciences. PSE:CEU
Education, Pharmaceutical, Psychology Manila, Manila, Philippines
ask-dan-jennifer_logo Ask Dan & Jennifer
Ask Dan & Jennifer is an online media network providing advice and tips to individuals on dating, love, and sex-related topics.
Psychology, Video, Video Streaming Frisco, Texas, United States
umy_logo Umy
Umy is an educational institution which offers diploma, bachelor's & master's programs, professional programs and higher education services.
Accounting, Higher Education, Psychology, Universities Bantul, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
lysn_logo Lysn
Lysn provides online psychology, via video and phone consultations, and mental health services.
Health Care, Medical, Psychology Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
yescare_logo YesCare
YesCare offers behavioral health and psychotherapy services.
Health Care, Hospital, Medical, Psychology, Wellness Brentwood, Tennessee, United States
davids-cookies_logo David's Cookies
Cookie Delivery from David's Cookies. Buy fresh baked cookie gifts, gourmet cookies, cakes, brownies, more.
Delivery, E-Commerce, Hospitality, Psychology Cedar Grove, New Jersey, United States
do-you-wanna-hook-up_logo Do You Wanna Hook Up?
Do You Wanna Hook Up? is a Dating Notification App that makes a secret list of people to match.
Apps, Psychology New York, New York, United States
thrive-0229_logo Thrive
Thrive is a software that offers mental healthcare and well-being, employee wellness, psychological help, and stress and anxiety management.
Health Care, Mental Health, mHealth, Psychology, Software, Wellness Stratford-upon-avon, Warwickshire, United Kingdom
advantage-behavioral-health_logo Advantage Behavioral Health
Advantage Behavioral Health is a network that provides treatment for anxiety, depression, ADHD, addiction, and eating disorders.
Addiction Treatment, Health Care, Psychology, Wellness Clementon, New Jersey, United States
college-health-enterprises_logo College Health Enterprises
College Health Enterprises is a healthcare and hospital company. It is specialized in the operation and management of psychiatric and more.
Events, Health Care, Hospital, Medical, Psychology Santa Fe Springs, California, United States
florida-medical-clinic_logo Florida Medical Clinic
Florida Medical Clinic is a hospital and health care company. It is a multi-specialty clinic that provides area residents with a resource.
Health Care, Hospital, Psychology Zephyrhills, Florida, United States
centro-de-psicología-álava-reyes_logo Centro De Psicología Álava Reyes
Centro de Psicología Álava Reyes offers a mobile game that helps in the development of social and emotional skills and competencies.
Mobile Apps, Psychology, Video Games Madrid, Madrid, Spain
intent_logo Intent
Intent is an online community that allows members to share their dreams and aspirations to receive support from others.
Fitness, Health Care, Psychology Santa Monica, California, United States
acacia-counseling-and-wellness_logo Acacia Counseling And Wellness
Acacia Counseling and Wellness is a Provide college students a safe,supportive space in which they receive quality and consistent mental.
Health Care, Medical, Psychology Goleta, California, United States
driven-976c_logo Driven
Driven is a virtual coach in your pocket. We use narrative design & AI to help businesses improve the wellbeing of their people.
Apps, Artificial Intelligence, Corporate Training, Fitness, Health Care, Health Diagnostics, Information Technology, Machine Learning, Personal Health, Psychology Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
psytech_logo PsyTech
PsyTech is a provider of education, clinical care and clinical tools for the psychedelic medical sector.
Health Care, Pharmaceutical, Psychology Toronto, Ontario, Canada
beacon-health-strategies_logo Beacon Health Strategies
Beacon Health Strategies is engaged in the development and management of mental health and substance abuse programs for hospitals.
Developer Platform, Health Care, Mental Health, Psychology Boston, Massachusetts, United States
monoa_logo MoNoA
MoNoA offers a device for measuring personal well being.It measures stress with the app based on GSR, body temperature & movement.
Consumer Electronics, Electronic Health Record (EHR), Health Care, Home Health Care, mHealth, Personal Health, Psychology, Therapeutics, Wearables, Wellness Dendermonde, Oost-Vlaanderen, Belgium
virtually-better_logo Virtually Better
Virtually Better - Bridging the gap between interactive technology and clinical practice.
Health Care, Psychology Decatur, Georgia, United States
lives-lived-well_logo Lives Lived Well
Lives Lived Well is a social services organization that provides professional help for people with substance use or mental health issues.
Health Care, Non Profit, Psychology, Rehabilitation Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
psych-central_logo Psych Central
The Internet's leading mental health network, run by professionals, since 1995. Join us.
Health Care, Psychology Newburyport, Massachusetts, United States
cognisess_logo Cognisess
Cognisess' software provides people analytics for recruiters and organisations; combining neuroscience, video, and game mechanics.
Analytics, B2B, B2C, Career Planning, Human Resources, Neuroscience, Psychology, Recruiting, SaaS, Software Bath, Bath and North East Somerset, United Kingdom
coachai_logo CoachAi
CoachAi uses artificial intelligence and behavioral psychology to create lasting behavioral change.
Artificial Intelligence, Fitness, Health Care, Psychology, Software, Wellness Herzliya, Tel Aviv, Israel
therapyden_logo TherapyDen
An inclusive, modern mental health directory and community.
B2B, Health Care, Psychology, Wellness N/A
jordan-young-institute_logo Jordan-Young Institute
Jordan-Young Institute is an orthopedic practice specializing in orthopedics, neurosurgery, and physiatry.
Health Care, Health Diagnostics, Hospital, Medical, Neuroscience, Psychology Virginia Beach, Virginia, United States
digital-wellness-institute_logo Digital Wellness Institute
The Institute offer courses and certificate programs that equip leaders with research-based tools that assess and address digital wellness.
E-Learning, Education, Health Care, Information Technology, Internet, Productivity Tools, Psychology, Wellness N/A
kaha-mind_logo Kaha Mind
Kaha Mind offers services for taking care of the patients' mental health and wellness.
Consulting, Health Care, Psychology, Wellness Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
leaderamp_logo LeaderAmp
Artificially Intelligent platform for mobile coaching, assessment and journaling
Artificial Intelligence, Developer Tools, Machine Learning, Mobile, Psychology Vacaville, California, United States
ben-energy_logo Ben Energy
BEN Energy offers software that combines data analytics and behavioral psychology to engage utility companies with residential clients.
Analytics, Energy, Information Technology, Psychology, Software Zürich, Zurich, Switzerland
alvis-f2c5_logo Alvis
Alvis is a human services agency providing treatment programs.
Family, Health Care, Non Profit, Psychology, Rehabilitation Columbus, Ohio, United States
emplomind_logo Emplomind
With Emplomind your employees can book 1:1 visits with certified and experienced therapists in our secure app.
Health Care, Information Technology, Internet, Professional Services, Psychology London, England, United Kingdom
cogxio_logo Cogxio
Cogxio is an AI-based online social dating and offline meeting platform to connect people.
Gift Card, Messaging, Psychology, Social Media, Travel Kormangala, Karnataka, India
sohomd_logo SohoMD
SohoMD provides psychiatrists for ADHD, anxiety, depression and mental health along with telepsychiatry and teletherapy.
Health Care, Hospital, mHealth, Psychology New York, New York, United States
amygdala_logo Amygdala
Amygdala is a brain-computer interface company revolutionizing the field of mental health treatment.
Health Care, Information Technology, Medical, Mental Health, Psychology Tel Aviv, Tel Aviv, Israel
adeii-health_logo ADEii Health
ADEii solves the mental health crisis by closing the mental health labor gap.
Health Care, Mental Health, Psychology, Virtual Workforce N/A
wunder-ai_logo WUNDER
We help brands attract and engage customers with gamified commerce.
Business Intelligence, Gamification, Internet, Marketing, Psychology, Real Time Berlin, Berlin, Germany
lambent-data_logo Lambent Data, Inc.
Collaborative software & data analytics: equipping healthcare/social service providers & empowering patients/clients to improve outcomes
Analytics, Health Care, Psychology, Software Princeton, New Jersey, United States
lovelogica_logo Lovelogica
A Media Company Specializing in Scientific/Research Based Dating Advice for Women
Education, Psychology Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States
alera-health_logo Alera Health
Alera Health provides care management, behavioral health care, primary care, and social care services.
Health Care, Hospital, Medical, Primary and Urgent Care, Psychology Wilmington, North Carolina, United States
sevelyn_logo Sevelyn
Sevelyn is an online therapy platform used to reduce the disparity in behavioral health and increase equity of access.
Health Care, Medical, Psychology Des Moines, Iowa, United States
visutate_logo Visutate
We create immersive experiences utilizing extended reality technologies to help people with focus, stress and sleep problems.
Fitness, Health Care, mHealth, Mobile Apps, Psychology, Virtual Reality, Wellness San Jose, California, United States
not_available_image is a digital ecosystem that provides all Indonesians with access to quality and affordable mental health care.
Apps, Health Care, Mental Health, Mobile Apps, Personal Health, Psychology, Wellness Jakarta, Jakarta Raya, Indonesia
positly_logo Positly
Helps researcher to better conduct studies by providing online participant recruitment that’s fast, powerful, and affordable.
Consumer Research, Market Research, Product Research, Psychology, Software Engineering Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
connections-wellness-group_logo Connections Wellness Group
Connections Wellness Group provides mental health services with wellness and fitness activities.
Health Care, Psychology, Therapeutics, Wellness Denton, Texas, United States
mindsense-f04c_logo MindSense
Mindsense is the first ever technology to understand classic psychotherapy session and provide actionable insights at scale
Artificial Intelligence, B2B, Health Care, Health Insurance, Machine Learning, mHealth, Psychology, Wellness Tel Aviv, Tel Aviv, Israel
frontier-health_logo Frontier Health
Frontier Health provides behavioral and mental health care, addiction treatment, intellectual disabilities and recovery services.
Child Care, Health Care, Psychology Gray, Louisiana, United States
clinical-partners_logo Clinical Partners
Clinical Partners is a special network of doctors that care for the mental health of people in the United Kingdom.
Health Care, Psychology London, England, United Kingdom
myndwerk_logo Myndwerk & Myndpaar
The myndpaar app is your digital companion that combines the essentials of science and technology for healthy relationships.
Health Care, Personal Health, Psychology, Wellness Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany
silver-hill-hospital_logo Silver Hill Hospital
Silver Hill Hospital is a non-profit healthcare center that provides mental health treatment for adults and adolescents.
Health Care, Medical, Non Profit, Psychology New Canaan, Connecticut, United States
inizio-interventions_logo Inizio Interventions
Inizio Interventions provides applied behavior analysis services to the autism community.
Child Care, Consulting, Health Care, Hospital, Psychology, Service Industry, Training La Canada Flintridge, California, United States
family-behavioral-resources_logo Family Behavioral Resources
Family Behavioral Resources provide behavioral health services to individuals and families
Health Care, Medical, Psychology Monroeville, Pennsylvania, United States
genpsych_logo GenPsych
GenPsych is a mental health hospital that provides outpatient psychiatric and substance abuse services.
Health Care, Psychology, Therapeutics Bridgewater, New Jersey, United States
consejo-counseling-and-referral-service_logo Consejo Counseling And Referral Service
Consejo Counseling and Referral Service provides mental health, domestic violence, sexual assault and substance use disorder programs.
Consulting, Health Care, Psychology Seattle, Washington, United States
orbit-health-8561_logo Orbit Health
Orbit Health provides telepsychiatry services for mental health care.
Health Care, mHealth, Psychology, Wellness Calabasas, California, United States
parc-taulí-university-hospital_logo Parc Taulí University Hospital
Parc Taulí University Hospital is a health care and hospital company.
Dental, Health Care, Hospital, Medical, Psychology Sabadell, Catalonia, Spain
the-motherhood-center_logo The Motherhood Center
The Motherhood Center is a provider of treatment services for new and expecting mothers with perinatal mood and anxiety disorders.
Health Care, Psychology, Therapeutics, Wellness New York, New York, United States
turning-point-7374_logo Turning Point
Turning Point provides mental health and learning disability support services.
Education, Health Care, Higher Education, Hospital, Mental Health, Personal Health, Psychology, Rehabilitation, Training, Wellness London, England, United Kingdom
emosys_logo Alpha Brain
Alpha Brain is a neurotech company that develops a seizure prediction sensing platform.
Medical, Medical Device, Psychology Maastricht, Limburg, The Netherlands
arbour-counseling-services_logo Arbour Counseling Services
Arbour Counseling is a health care company that offers individualized care services to individuals of groups, families, and couples.
Health Care, Outpatient Care, Psychology Brookline, Massachusetts, United States
lakeview-center_logo Lakeview Center
Lakeview Center is a nonprofit organization that provides psychological, access behavioral health, Rx refills and mental health services.
Health Care, Medical, Non Profit, Psychology Pensacola, Florida, United States
the-brainfood-mushroom-company_logo The Brainfood Mushroom Company
Combines new science and innovation with the ancient medicines of nature to create unique and effective solutions for optimal health.
Agriculture, AgTech, Biotechnology, Health Care, Psychology North Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
duckie-deck_logo Duckie Deck
Duckie Deck creates learning games for kids aged 2-5. There are tons of educational games out there teaching numbers, letters and colors.
EdTech, Education, Psychology Cracow, Malopolskie, Poland
thriving-center-of-psychology_logo Thriving Center Of Psychology
National mental health company focusing on quality care.
Health Care, Mental Health, Personal Health, Psychology, Therapeutics, Wellness New York, New York, United States
the-self-space_logo The Self Space
Self Space offers contemporary mental health services.
Fitness, Health Care, Psychology, Wellness London, England, United Kingdom
traditions-behavioral-health_logo Traditions Behavioral Health
Traditions Behavioral Health is a Psychological Corporation that provides psychiatric services to the adult population through programs.
Health Care, Psychology Napa, California, United States
trijog-know-your-mind_logo Trijog
Trijog is an organization for mental health care and holistic wellness that offers counseling solutions.
Health Care, Mental Health, Psychology, Therapeutics, Wellness Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
alexander-youth-network_logo Alexander Youth Network
Alexander Youth Network is a health organization that provides mental and behavioral programs to support children and families.
Health Care, Medical, Psychology Charlotte, North Carolina, United States
mentavio_logo Mentavio
mentavio providing counselling and online therapy platform.
E-Commerce, E-Commerce Platforms, Health Care, Internet, Psychology, Wellness Berlin, Berlin, Germany
e-psychiatry_logo E-Psychiatry
e-Psychiatry is a telepsychiatry agency that provide health care solutions for psychological problems.
Health Care, Personal Health, Psychology Hartford, Connecticut, United States
tiddle_logo Tiddle
App (App for relationship improvement)
Health Care, Mental Health, Mobile Apps, Psychology Phuket, Phuket, Thailand
point-quest-education_logo Point Quest Education
Point Quest Education offers behavior management services, psychiatric consultation, speech and occupational therapy to disabled children.
Child Care, Education, Health Care, Psychology, Therapeutics Elk Grove, California, United States
oyama-ec13_logo Oyama
A mental health company, which have developed a secure and anonymized everyday tool to express and process thoughts and emotions.
Consumer Software, Health Care, Personal Health, Psychology Helsinki, Southern Finland, Finland
imaginary-foundation_logo Imaginary Foundation
Imaginary Foundation is a think tank from Switzerland that does research on new ways of thinking and the power of the imagination.
Psychology San Francisco, California, United States
falafreud_logo FalaFreud
FalaFreud is a platform connecting psychologists and people looking for therapy through text messaging, audio, or video calling.
Apps, Fitness, Health Care, Psychology, Wellness San Francisco, California, United States
tranquilmind_logo TranquilMind
mHealth, Mental Health, Conversational AI, VR Therapy, Mental Wellness
Artificial Intelligence (AI), Health Care, mHealth, Neuroscience, Psychology, Virtual Reality, Wellness Bangalore, Karnataka, India
black-book-singles_logo Black Book Singles
Black Book Singles is a free online dating service focused on helping users find compatible local singles.
Dating, Psychology Pflugerville, Texas, United States
kush_logo Kush
Technology Can Improve Relationships
Events, Gift Card, Messaging, Mobile, Psychology, Teenagers São Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil
2020-mom_logo 2020 Mom
2020 Mom is a social service organization that closes gaps in maternal mental health care through education, advocacy, and collaboration.
Health Care, Psychology, Wellness, Women's Los Angeles, California, United States
klein-buendel_logo Klein Buendel
Klein Buendel is a health communication research and technology firm that designs, develops, and evaluates public health interventions.
Health Care, Personal Health, Psychology Golden, Colorado, United States
psychonline_logo PsychOnline
PsychOnline is a web portal for all Mental Health Professionals such as telepsychiatrist.
Health Care, Psychology, Software Miami, Florida, United States
neurolytics_logo Neurolytics
SaaS Computer Vision
Artificial Intelligence, Computer Vision, Machine Learning, Predictive Analytics, Psychology, Recruiting, SaaS, Skill Assessment Utrecht, Utrecht, The Netherlands
sukoon-health_logo Sukoon Health
Sukoon Health is an inpatient and outpatient psychiatric facility.
Health Care, Psychology, Rehabilitation Haryana, Haryana, India
postpartum-support-international_logo Postpartum Support International
Postpartum Support International provides awareness, prevention and treatment of mental health issues related to childbearing.
Health Care, Medical, Mental Health, Psychology Portland, Oregon, United States
datapoints-b73b_logo DataPoints
Advisor FinTech - Behavioral Assessments
Financial Services, FinTech, Information Technology, Psychology Marietta, Georgia, United States
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