
Metropolitan University is one of the leading scientific and educational institutions in Serbia that educates future professional and ethical leaders ready for the challenges of the future of society. It builds its strength on the quality of education and close cooperation with the business community, forming academic citizens who know how to solve the most complex problems or create their own business based on new ideas. By fostering applied research, whose results are evolving into innovative ... products in cooperation with industry partners or through start-up companies, Metropolitan University pays special attention to the development of the economy and society of which it is an active part. In addition to the necessary knowledge, the graduates of the Faculty of Information Technology, Faculty of Management and the Faculty of Digital Arts also have developed learning abilities, creative and systematic thinking and entrepreneurship,

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More informations about "University Metropolitan Belgrade"

About University - Univerzitet Metropolitan

Mission of Belgrade Metropolitan University. The mission of Belgrade Metropolitan University is to contribute to the educational, cultural, economic and social progress of Serbia by providing advanced bachelor and master …See details»

Metropolitan University (Belgrade) - Wikipedia

The Metropolitan University is a private-owned university located in Belgrade, Serbia. The university came as the join of the Faculty of Information Technology (FIT) (founded in 2005) and other governing departments of the university in 2010, which previously existed as an individual institution. The founder and rector, Dragan Domazet, was the Minister of Science of the Republic of Serbia f…See details»

Univerzitet Metropolitan - Kreiraj svoju budućnost

Akreditovane Osnovne, Master i Doktorske studije Univerziteta Metropolitan kreirane po međunarodnim standardima odvijaju se...See details»

ABOUT UNIVERSITY - Univerzitet Metropolitan

Metropolitan University is the rst university to o er studying through the eLearning system in Serbia. This mode of studying covers all four years of studies. The degrees which online …See details»

Univerzitet Metropolitan Ranking & Overview 2024

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Univerzitet Metropolitan Beograd - The Org

View Univerzitet Metropolitan Beograd's up-to-date org chart, open roles, and culture details. Find executives, board members, teams, related companies, and more. ... The mission of Belgrade …See details»

Početna - Univerzitet MB

Metropolitan University; Singidunum University; Edukons University; Union University; ... The 75th Annual University of MB was implemented in 2010. International ESD Conference 2021 ... Belgrade 2021 Book of Abstracts is …See details»

Univerzitet Metropolitan — Википедија

Univerzitet Metropolitan je privatni univerzitet sa sedištem u Beogradu, kao i dodatnim centrom u Nišu. Osnovan je 1. oktobra 2005. Zasniva se na primeni i razvoju savremenih tehnologija …See details»

Belgrade Metropolitan University - Edarabia

Why Belgrade Metropolitan University? 25,000+ Student Reviews, Fees, Programs & Courses | Tadeusa Koscuska 63 | The story about modern education on the territory of Serbia started in the year 2005, when the Faculty of …See details»

Belgrade Metropolitan University Ranking & Overview 2024

Belgrade Metropolitan University has an enrollment range of 500-999 students making it a very small-sized institution. Academic Staff. This institution has a range of 100-199 academic …See details»

Metropolitan University | StudyInSerbia

Metropolitan University. Metropolitan University is a private integrated university in Belgrade which offers academic study programmes in information technologies, management, design, new media, marketing and related disciplines. Bachelor. …See details»

International cooperation - Univerzitet Metropolitan

Belgrade Metropolitan University has “International Cooperation Office” (ICO) established. It is divided in two departments: 1. Department for international projects and 2. ... In order to …See details»

Belgrade Metropolitan University - Devex

Belgrade Metropolitan University has “International Cooperation Office” (ICO) established. It is divided in two departments: 1. Department for international projects and 2. Mobility …See details»

Универзитет Метрополитан — Википедија

Универзитет Метрополитан је приватни универзитет са седиштем у Београду, као и додатним центром у Нишу.Основан је 1. октобра 2005. Заснива се на примени и развоју …See details»

UM University at | Ranking & Review

Founded in 2005, Univerzitet Metropolitan (Belgrade Metropolitan University) is a for-profit private higher-education institution located in the urban setting of the metropolis of Belgrade …See details»

Metropolitan University (Belgrade) - Wikiwand

The Metropolitan University is a private-owned university located in Belgrade, Serbia.The university came as the join of the Faculty of Information Technology (FIT) (founded in 2005) …See details»

University Metropolitan Belgrade - Crunchbase

University Metropolitan Belgrade . Connect to CRM . Save . Summary. People. Technology. Signals & News. ... Metropolitan University is one of the leading scientific and educational …See details»

Универзитет Метрополитан - uniRank

Founded in 2005, the Univerzitet Metropolitan (Belgrade Metropolitan University) is a for-profit private higher education institution located in the urban setting of the metropolis of Belgrade …See details»

Belgrade Metropolitan University: Tuition, Rankings - Study …

Belgrade Metropolitan University is a private institution that was initially started as a Faculty of Information Technologies – FIT. With the aim of providing internationally acknowledged …See details»

Belgrade Metropolitan University [Ranking + Acceptance Rate]

The tuition table for Belgrade Metropolitan University gives an overview of costs but prices are approximate and subject to change and don't include accommodation, textbooks, or living …See details» © 2022. All rights reserved