
U of Lang is an educational technology company focused on helping students around the world to become bilingual.

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EdTech Education Language Learning




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Current Employees Featured


Facundo Fernandez
Facundo Fernandez CEO @ University of Languages

More informations about "University of Languages"

Indigenous language revitalization - University of Victoria

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University of Ottawa - Official Languages and Bilingualism Institute ...

Apr 24, 2024 Organization: University of Ottawa - Official Languages and Bilingualism Institute, Centre for Language Learning Phone Numbers: 613-562-5980: Toll-Free: 1-877-868-8292: …See details»

Language rights and obligations | About us - University of Ottawa

Proudly Francophone and dedicated to bringing the two official language communities closer since its inception, the University of Ottawa is heir to a long tradition of coexisting multiple …See details»

Indigenous Language Organizations and Initiatives

Please see below a list of several organizations and initiatives that seek to empower, reclaim and revitalize First Nations and Indigenous Languages. Centre for Indigenous Studies, University …See details»

Official Languages and Bilingualism Institute - Wikipedia

The Official Languages and Bilingualism Institute (OLBI) (French: Institut des langues officielles et du bilinguisme) is a language institution affiliated with the University of Ottawa, in Ottawa, …See details»

What role should universities play in revitalizing Indigenous …

Jan 25, 2024 And when the United Nations educational, scientific and cultural organization announced the Indigenous Languages Decade, the Canadian academic community stepped …See details»

Language Centre | Faculty of Arts | University of Manitoba

The Faculty of Arts Language Centre provides world-class facilities and technology for UM’s different language programs. It supports language learning at all levels, informs on international opportunities and offers cultural insight …See details»

Department of International Languages | University of Regina

The Department of International Languages at the University of Regina offers certificates in Mandarin Chinese, German, Japanese, and Spanish. The Department of International …See details»

Centre for Language Learning | About us - University of …

The Centre for Language Learning offers highly effective French and English language programs designed to maximize learning and build confidence. Our unique programs, delivered by experienced and highly qualified instructors, …See details»

Modern Languages and Cultural Studies | Graduate Programs

This specialization involves the study of global literature, criticism, theory, and their intersections with language, art, and culture, either within a single language or across languages. The …See details»

School of Languages, Linguistics, Literatures and Cultures

You can study Arabic, Chinese, French or German. Explore Italian, Japanese, Linguistics or Russian. Learn Spanish or some of the Indigenous languages of Alberta. Our faculty research …See details»

What role should universities play in revitalizing Indigenous …

Jan 25, 2024 And when the United Nations educational, scientific and cultural organization announced the Indigenous Languages Decade, the Canadian academic community stepped …See details»

Welcome to Languages, Literatures and Cultures - University of …

Our Modern Languages program offers several degree program options in German, Italian and Spanish language and culture, including degrees with two-language options, a Certificate in …See details»

School of Languages and Literatures | College of Arts

The faculty, staff and students of the School of Languages and Literatures and the University of Guelph community are all deeply saddened by the death of Professor Joubert Satyre, who …See details»

Languages, Literatures & Cultures - University of Delaware

The Department of Languages, Literatures and Cultures offers a vibrant community of student clubs and organizations that provide valuable opportunities for language learners and cultural …See details»

Faculty members | Faculty of Arts - University of Ottawa

Arabic, Celtic languages, Chinese, German, Italian, Japanese, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Yiddish, and cultures around the World. Here's what the Department of Modern …See details»

The Organization of Language - Cambridge University Press

This book includes a series of simple simulations and 'games' to help readers master the model and test for themselves how well the theory explains the complexities of human language. An …See details»

World Languages and Cultures | Faculty of Arts - University of …

University fees keyboard_arrow_right; Financial aid keyboard_arrow_right; ... Student clubs and organizations. Discover over 100 student organizations and clubs — academic, sports, …See details»

Department of Modern Languages and Literatures

Speak, understand, read, and write one or several international languages at defined levels of competency, ranging from A1 to B2 according to the European Framework of Reference for …See details» © 2022. All rights reserved