
Our institution is one of the oldest universities in Europe and the oldest one in Lombardy. Since its foundation in 1361 it has been a good place to study for both Italian and foreign students. Each year, thousands of students can appreciate the multidisciplinary vocation of our University and the hospitality of its campus, really unique in Italy for the possibility it offers of living and studying in a lively, intellectually challenging environment. Our aim is to encourage our students’ creativity, enhancing their capacity to engage with the great challenges of our society. We set out to obtain this goal by offering a wide academic curriculum, by increasing our international policy and through the outstanding quality of our research.

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Current Employees Featured


Sara Perteghella
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Silvia Assini
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Piero Malcovati
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Davide Mariani
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Ludovico Anselmi
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Ferdinando Auricchio
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More informations about "University of Pavia"

Administration - Università di Pavia

Ensure the definition and implementation of the University's staffing plan (teaching staff and technical-administrative staff), verifying and agreeing with various stakeholders (Institutional …See details»

University | Università di Pavia

University of Pavia Corso Strada Nuova, 65 - 27100 Pavia – Italy. Welcome Office [email protected] +39 0382 984020. INFORMASTUDENTI +39 0382 989898. Ufficio Relazioni con il Pubblico URP +39 0382 984450. web mail: …See details»

University of Pavia - Wikipedia

The university has eighteen departments and nine faculties. • Department of Clinical Surgery, Diagnostics and Pediatrics • Department of Internal Medicine and Medical Therapy • Department of Molecular MedicineSee details»

Social Sciences for Global Challenges - University of Pavia

Mar 8, 2024 “Social Sciences for Global Challenges” is linked with other national and international Master’s Degree Programs offered within the Department of Political and Social …See details»

WPIR World Politics and International Relations - unipv

This broad-based training in international affairs offers a solid basis for careers in national diplomatic services, in International Governmental Organizations (including European organizations), and in NGO s, as well as positions for …See details»

Welcome to the University of Pavia - Internazionale UNIPV

We are glad you chose to study with us! If you are about to start your academic year at our University, in this page you will find the essential information you need to help you get started …See details»

University of Pavia, Italy : Admissions, Courses & Fees Details

Internationalization: The University of Pavia is committed to internationalization, with a diverse student body and partnerships with universities and organizations around the world. The …See details»

Home page en | Department of Economics and Management

Our department has been declared a Department of Excellence 2023-2027 by the Italian Ministry of University and Research. We are therefore among the departments of state universities that …See details»

Home page en | Department of Chemistry -

Organization. Regulations and Documentation. Quality Assurance. Occupation Classrooms. Dove siamo. ... “Thanks to the degree in Chemistry and the PhD both acquired at the University of Pavia I received a complete and adequate …See details»

International Students - Università di Pavia

University of Pavia Corso Strada Nuova, 65 - 27100 Pavia – Italy. Welcome Office [email protected] +39 0382 984020. INFORMASTUDENTI +39 0382 989898. Ufficio Relazioni con il Pubblico URP +39 0382 984450. web mail: …See details»

Home page EN | Foundation Year -

The Foundation Year Program is a preparatory course taught in Italian targeting students who want to study at an Italian university. In particular, the Foundation Year Program is meant for …See details»

Master in Economics, Development and Innovation - unipv

Via San Felice, 5 – 27100 Pavia. Tel: +39.0382.986201. ... Industrial Organization and Innovation; ... chosen among the huge variety of topics offered by the University of Pavia, in English or …See details»

PhD programs – Dottorati di Ricerca -

The University of Pavia provides graduate students with a unique experience. The PhD programs offered by the University of Pavia are supervised by SAFD (Scuola di Alta Formazione …See details»

Contacts - Università di Pavia

The University of Pavia will participate to the Salone dello studio in Italia fair. Time: November 9th and 10th 2024 at 12:00 - 18:00. Location: Istituto Italiano di Cultura di Tokyo. Address: 2 …See details»

Apply online! - University of Pavia

Oct 31, 2024 WELCOME TO THE UNIVERSITY OF PAVIA ’S APPLICATION PORTAL FOR INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS. Your study with us starts here! If you hold an Italian …See details»

University of Pavia, Italy | Application, Courses, Fee, Ranking

About University. About University of Pavia, Italy. 1. Historical Significance: The university has a storied history, with notable alumni including the scientist Alessandro Volta, who invented the …See details»

University of Pavia [2024 Rankings by topic] -

Feb 29, 2024 The University of Pavia ranked 12th in Italy, 410th in the global 2024 rating, and scored in the TOP 50% across 200 research topics. The University of Pavia ranking is based …See details»

Campus - Università di Pavia

Polo Centrale The University of Pavia has its main campus in the city of Pavia. Here, in the historical city center, there is the ancient University Palace (Palazzo Centrale), dating back to …See details»

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3 days ago Attorneys Tamarra Matthews Johnson and Max Warren argued for the NCAA that Pavia had done exactly what the organization wants athletes to do by earning a bachelor's …See details»

History and future | Università di Pavia

825 and 1361: these two dates mark the beginning of the University of Pavia, the oldest university in Lombardy and one of the oldest in Europe. The year 825 saw the emperor Lothair's …See details» © 2022. All rights reserved