UpdateStar is the leading provider of user-centric software information for PC users. The idea behind the UpdateStar project is to ease the PC users' software life. The UpdateStar client provides users with a personalized world-class service by keeping a PC's software up to date, increasing the user's security and productivity. UpdateStar currently provides users with program update information for 4.9 million installations daily. The UpdateStar software search engine offers access to our co... mprehensive database with access to more than 1,746,000 software products. The global user community helps to build and complete the UpdateStar database by providing up-to-date data to the UpdateStar database. UpdateStar not only provides the users with valuable information, but also offers optimal licensing options for shareware and commercial products. As a further advantage, UpdateStar delivers user-centric individual software news and coupons for more than 4000 commercial products. The UpdateStar product portfolio: UpdateStar AppCleaner Freeware, UpdateStar Premium Edition, UpdateStar Drivers, UpdateStar Repair, UpdateStar Password Finder, UpdateStar Product Key Finder, UpdateStar Online Backup, UpdateStar Local Backup and UpdateStar SigParser
App Discovery Search Engine Software
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- Timezone: Europe/Berlin
More informations about "UpdateStar"
UpdateStar - Crunchbase Company Profile & Funding
The idea behind the UpdateStar project is to ease the PC users' software life. The UpdateStar client provides users with a personalized world-class service by keeping a PC's software up to …See details»
UpdateStar - Wikipedia
UpdateStar is a freeware software application providing update information for approximately 1.3 million software programs. Implementing a social computing aspect, the update database is maintained by the users. UpdateStar uses advertising to refinance the free service and shares ad revenue 50/50 with the software authors via their Share program. Software can be searched, downloaded and updated. In addition, UpdateStar is a freeware clie…See details»
About - UpdateStar.com
UpdateStar puts users first and offers world-class products and services combined with a world-class support. That's why UpdateStar is trusted by a community of millions of users! …See details»
The latest software updates and free downloads
1 day ago UpdateStar lets you know about updates to all of the software on your computer. Download our client and get notified right on your desktop whenever an update becomes available. UpdateStar - The social software search engine.See details»
UpdateStar - Wikiwand
UpdateStar is a freeware software application providing update information for approximately 1.3 million software programs. [1] Implementing a social computing aspect, the update database is …See details»
is updatestar.com legitimate or a scam?
Updatestar.com. Title : The latest software updates and free downloads - UpdateStar. Website Rank : 42002. Age of Archive : 17 year(s) 6 month(s) 14 day(s) SSL Status : Invalid. WHOIS …See details»
Features - UpdateStar.com
UpdateStar provides scheduling capabilities to automate the search process for available updates and run scans in the background. You can set these scans according to your needs. The Free …See details»
UpdateStar - Should I Remove It?
UpdateStar is the program that lets you stay up-to-date and secure with all of your personal software you are using on your computer. This way you make sure to always use the most up …See details»
UpdateStar - Facts - UpdateStar.com
UpdateStar covers freeware and shareware as well as commercial software, and includes special offers. Target audience : UpdateStar is for people who rely and depend on an efficient and …See details»
UpdateStar Premium Edition 15.0.1962 - Download
Oct 15, 2024 Overview. UpdateStar Premium Edition is a Commercial software in the category System Utilities developed by UpdateStar.. It was checked for updates 235,777 times by the …See details»
Download - UpdateStar - UpdateStar.com
With the new UpdateStar, immerse yourself in the assurance of a seamlessly secure and up-to-date computing environment. Our expansive database, featuring 1.8 million software titles, …See details»
Help - UpdateStar.com
Welcome to UpdateStar Help, the online help resource for UpdateStar Premium Edition and UpdateStar Freeware Edition users. If you cannot find an answer to one of your questions …See details»
Most Popular Downloads - UpdateStar.com
UpdateStar lets you know about updates to all of the software on your computer. Download our client and get notified right on your desktop whenever an update becomes available. …See details»
Download UpdateStar 2.4.686 for Windows - Filehippo.com
Oct 31, 2024 UpdateStar is a free Windows utility designed to streamline the software updating process. By scanning your system, it identifies available updates for installed applications, …See details»
Getting Started - UpdateStar - UpdateStar.com
Welcome to the Getting Started guide for UpdateStar Premium Edition, designed specifically for newcomers ready to enhance their software management experience. In just three easy steps, …See details»
UpdateStar 15 available for download : UpdateStar Premium Edition 15. UpdateStar Drivers 15 : Quick Links : Ensures your software stays updated and protected. Unlock updates for …See details»
UpdateStar Collection - UpdateStar.com
UpdateStar Drivers optimizes your computer performance and experience with a powerful driver management. Device drivers are software programs that communicate between your …See details»
Support - UpdateStar.com
If you are experiencing product issues or have questions regarding your UpdateStar account, please contact our technical support for further information. Your email request will be …See details»
Getting Started - UpdateStar.com
Welcome to the Getting Started Guide for new users of UpdateStar Premium Edition. With the Premium Edition you receive 20 times as many updates and upgrades for your personal …See details»