
Utilitas is an energy group that specializes in heat and electricity production and the provision of district heating services.

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Energy Renewable Energy Sustainability


Tallinn, Harjumaa, Estonia


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372 610 7107

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[email protected]

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Official Site Inspections

http://www.utilitas.ee Semrush global rank: 3.01 M Semrush visits lastest month: 5.17 K

  • Host name: sn-69-27.tll07.zoneas.eu
  • IP address:
  • Location: Estonia
  • Latitude: 59
  • Longitude: 26
  • Timezone: Europe/Tallinn

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More informations about "Utilitas"

About us - Utilitas

The parent company of the group, OÜ Utilitas, is 85% owned by the leading international infrastructure fund with a long-term strategy, European Diversified Infrastructure Fund II, whose assets are managed by Igneo Infrastructure …See details»

Utilitas | Eesti energiakontsern

Utilitas on Eesti suurim taastuvenergia tootja ning keskkonnasõbraliku kaugkütte ja -jahutuse pakkuja. Kaugküte ja kaugjahutus. Kaugküte. ... mida väljastab teist aastat järjest Peaasi.ee. …See details»

Utilitas (company) - Wikipedia

OÜ Utilitas (former name: OÜ Elekter ja Küte) is a utility and energy company located in Tallinn, Estonia.It generates thermal energy and electricity and provides district heating services.. …See details»

Eesti energiakontsern - Utilitas

Oct 31, 2024 Utilitas has reduced the use of fossil fuels in its district heating systems from 100 percent to a third. With the carbon neutrality strategy of “From Low to Zero” developed in …See details»

Utilitas – Vikipeedia

Utilitas on Eesti energiakontsern, juhtiv taastuvenergia tootja ning kaugkütte ja -jahutusteenuse osutaja. Ühtlasi on gruppi kuuluv Utilitas Wind suurim tuuleenergia tootja Lätis . Ettevõte arendab taastuvenergiat ka Leedus. Utilitas käitab 2024. aasta seisuga 5 koostootmisjaama, 2 kaugjahutusjaama, 42 katlamaja, 11 päikeseparki, 4 tuuleparki ning haldab üle 600 km kaugküttevõr…See details»

Overview: Utilitas expands reach in Estonian market

Mar 12, 2024 Utilitas is steadily expanding its reach. The group is active in district heating and cooling, as well as produces solar and wind energy. Utilitas also supplies drinking water, treats …See details»

Utilitas - LinkedIn

☀ Utilitas received the Gold Label of Organisation Valuing Mental Health, issued for the second year in a row by Peaasi.ee. ☀ The Mental Health Gold Label recognition is given to …See details»

Utilitas - UG Investments

Utilitas is the largest renewable energy producer and district heating company in Estonia and the largest producer of wind energy in Latvia. The company supplies heat to more than 18 million m2 of the net area of buildings in eight cities all …See details»

UTILITAS OÜ (12205523) - Overview @ Inforegister.ee

UTILITAS OÜ. 11.10.2024. Employment data update. 0 employee(s) joined the organization third quarter of 2024, and the average salary was 20 900 € per month, which is 239,29% (14 740 €) …See details»

UTILITAS EESTI AS (10419088) - Overview @ Inforegister.ee

UTILITAS EESTI AS: utilitas.ee, Steam and air supply, JANEK TRUMSI | credit check, debts, contacts, paid taxes, employees, wages, finances, real estate, directory. ... In October 2022, …See details»

Meist - Utilitas | Utilitas

Lisaks koostootmisjaamades elektri tootmisele, on Utilitas laiendanud tegevust ka kütusevabade elektritootmiste suunas. Oleme rajanud nii päikese- kui ka tuuleparke ja arendame uusi projekte Eestis, Lätis ja Leedus. Samuti veab …See details»

Ülevaade: Utilitas laiendab Eesti turul haaret | Majandus - ERR

Mar 12, 2024 Utilitas kasvatab järjest haaret: kontsern tegeleb kaugkütte ja -jahutusega, toodab päikese- ja tuuleenergiat ning joogivett, puhastab heitvett ja plaanib rohevesinikku toota ning …See details»

Utilitas - Crunchbase Company Profile & Funding

Utilitas is an energy group that specializes in heat and electricity production and the provision of district heating services. ... Solutions. Products. Resources. Pricing. Resources. Log In. …See details»

Utilitas Company Profile 2024: Valuation, Funding & Investors

Utilitas General Information Description. Producer of electricity from renewable energy sources based in Tallinn, Estonia. The company is primarily involved in generating thermal and …See details»

UTILITAS TALLINN AS (10811060) - Inforegister.ee

AS Utilitas Tallinn (edaspidi UTL) kuulub energiakontserni Utilitas ja on valdusettevõtte AS Utilitas Tallinna Soojus 100% tütarettevõte (kuni august 2023 valdusettevõtte OÜ Utilitas 100% …See details»

Utilitas 2024 - Võti Tulevikku

Utilitas is Estonia's largest district heating company and producer of renewable energy. Utilitas supplies district heating to nearly 5,628 buildings in eight cities across Estonia, including …See details»

Sustainability - Utilitas | Utilitas

Utilitas has supported Estonian basketball for over 20 years, including as the main sponsor of Estonia men’s national basketball team over 10 years. Supporting the national team and being …See details»

Ülevaade: ühisettevõtet loovate Utilitase ja Tallinna Soojuse ... - ERR

May 23, 2023 Tallinna linna ja Utilitase plaan luua ühisettevõte Utilitas Tallinna Soojus viib pealinna kaugkütteettevõtte kahe kolmandiku ulatuses seda praegu rentiva Utilitase kätte. …See details»

Contacts - Utilitas | Utilitas

Utilitas customer support is happy to answer your calls and letters on working days from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm. You will be directed to the operational information line related to service availability …See details»

Utilitas | Tallinn - Facebook

Utilitas on Eesti juhtiv energiakontsern, mille põhitegevuseks on... Utilitas, Tallinn, Estonia. 4,096 likes · 269 talking about this · 21 were here. Utilitas on Eesti juhtiv energiakontsern, mille põhitegevuseks on soojuse ja elektri tootmine. ...See details»

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