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首页 - 宇海

近日,全国总工会、重庆市总工会分别在北京、重庆隆重召开表彰大会,重庆宇海工业设计研究院有限公司工业设计部(下简称宇海工业设计部)首获国家级荣誉---全国工人先锋号,宇海工业设计部林小全同志荣获重庆五一劳动奖章。See details»

Urban heat islands characterized by six thermal indicators

Oct 1, 2023 The urban heat island (UHI) effect alters local thermal environment and affects thermal comfort of urban dwellers. However, the similarities and differences of the UHI when …See details»

Simulating influences of land use/land cover composition and ...

Aug 1, 2024 Simulation of future UHI is widely regarded as an important approach for developing targeted mitigation measures. Therefore, extant studies have devoted a lot of effort to …See details»

Urban heat island: Aerodynamics or imperviousness?

Apr 3, 2019 More than half of the world’s population now live in cities, which are known to be heat islands. While daytime urban heat islands (UHIs) are traditionally thought to be the consequence of less evaporative cooling in …See details»

The footprint of urban heat island effect in China

Jun 10, 2015 Urban heat island (UHI) is one major anthropogenic modification to the Earth system that transcends its physical boundary. Using MODIS data from 2003 to 2012, we …See details»

Urban Renewal Can Mitigate Urban Heat Islands

Feb 24, 2020 Observations indicate that the UHI decrease by ~0.58 °C between 2005 and 2016 due to urban renewal, and a simulated reduction in the UHI of 0.38–0.78 °C is obtained via a 10–20% increase in vegetation cover, resulting …See details»

A multi-perspective study of atmospheric urban heat island effect …

Jan 1, 2023 It should be acknowledged that numerical models can flexibly predict the UHI at different heights, but it is a simplification of the real world that never replace in-situ …See details»

Magnitude of urban heat islands largely explained by climate and ...

Sep 4, 2019 A surface UHI is defined as the land surface temperature (LST) difference between the urban area and a 10-km buffer region in the surrounding rural area (ΔT s). The dataset …See details»

Differences in urban heat island and its driving factors between ...

Mar 29, 2023 Urban heat island (UHI) is one of the important effects of urbanization on built environment. Land surface temperature data was taken from moderate-resolution imaging …See details»

Spatiotemporal changes of urban heat island effect relative to land ...

Aug 12, 2024 The urban heat island (UHI) effect has become increasingly prevalent and significant with the accelerated pace of urbanization, posing challenges for urban planners and …See details»

A review of the formation, mitigation strategies from …

May 2, 2024 Urban heat islands (UHIs) are inadvertent climatic phenomena stemming from anthropogenic activities that pose a formidable challenge as urbanization is an inescapable reality. Hence, UHI-related concerns have …See details»

全球城市热岛效应(UHI)数据集 - 华为云社区

Sep 1, 2024 传统的估算 uhi 强度(uhii)的方法受到一些限制,例如只关注晴空表面 uhii,而忽略了全天空表面和冠层(气温)uhii。 这些方法往往忽略了人为干扰,导致估算结果的不确定 …See details»

Urban heat islands in Hong Kong: Bonding with …

Feb 16, 2021 The median UHI intensity in Figure 3a (summer) for classes D, E, F is 2.2, 3.0, and 4.6°C, respectively, while in Figure 3b (winter), the median is 2.6, 4.1, and 7.1°C, respectively. There are significant differences in UHI …See details»

Urban heat islands: a review of contributing factors, effects and data

Jan 1, 2023 The main causes of UHI are the vast amounts of heat produced by urban structures, which solar energy should be used and re-radiated as well as anthropogenic heat sources. …See details»

A global urban heat island intensity dataset: Generation, …

Oct 1, 2024 Urban heat island (UHI) effect refers to the phenomenon where the temperature in urban areas is higher than that in the surrounding rural areas (Rizwan et al., 2008).This …See details»

Towards a Sustainable Urban Future: A Comprehensive Review of …

May 29, 2024 The urban heat island (UHI) is a crucial factor in developing sustainable cities and societies. Appropriate data collection, analysis, and prediction are essential first steps in …See details»

Reducing urban heat islands to protect health in Canada

Apr 29, 2020 The UHI effect was cited as one factor during the 1995 extreme heat events that killed over 700 people in the US Midwest (Semenza et al., 1996). Similarly, the UHI effect is …See details»

Different explanations for surface and canopy urban heat island …

Jan 12, 2024 Urban development changes the energy balance in peri-urban areas, which typically have higher air and surface temperatures than their surrounding rural areas. 1, 2 …See details»

Comparison of surface and canopy urban heat islands within …

Oct 1, 2019 Canopy urban heat island is usually quantified by air temperature records from urban and rural stations (Camilloni and Barros, 1997, Stewart and Oke, 2012).Studies from …See details»

Mitigating urban heat island through neighboring rural land cover

The Urban Heat Island (UHI) effect causing urban overheating is a prominent example of these concerns resulting from rising urbaniza- tion and anthropogenic activities 3,4 .See details»

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