
Vauraus is a modern investment house that combines stable returns investor outreach and effective outreach loan finance company.

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Current Employees Featured


Elisa Saarinen
Elisa Saarinen CEO & Managing Director @ Vauraus
CEO & Managing Director



Olli Tannerkoski

Investments List

Date Company Article Money raised
2014-04-01 Melodigram Vauraus investment in Seed Round - Melodigram 700 K EUR

More informations about "Vauraus"

Vauraus - Crunchbase Investor Profile & Investments

Vauraus is a modern investment house that combines stable returns investor outreach and effective outreach loan finance company.See details»

Accelerate growth - Vauraus

Sep 13, 2023 · Vauraus has intermediated crowdfunded corporate loans in Finland since 2013. We are the major operator in the industry: we have intermediated more than 290 million euros in loan funding to more than one …See details»

Joukkorahoituspalvelu Vauraus Suomi Oyj | Lainaa Yrityksille

Vauraus Suomi Oyj on maamme johtava yrityslainaa välittävä joukkorahoituspalvelu. Yhdistämme joustavaa rahoitusta tarvitsevat yritykset ja hyvää tuottoa etsivät sijoittajat. Vauraus välittää …See details»

Sijoittajatiedote - Vauraus

Vauraus Suomi Oyj (”Vauraus”) on joukkorahoituspalvelun tarjoaja ja maksulaitos, jolla on Finanssivalvonnan myöntämät toimiluvat. Toimiluvat kattavat joukkorahoituspalvelujen ja maksupalvelujen tarjoamisen.See details»

Vauraus - Investments, Portfolio & Company Exits - Crunchbase

Vauraus is a modern investment house that combines stable returns investor outreach and effective outreach loan finance company.See details»

Vauraus Company Profile - Office Locations, Competitors ... - Craft

Vauraus has 5 employees across 8 locations. See insights on Vauraus including office locations, competitors, revenue, financials, executives, subsidiaries and more at Craft.See details»

Vauraus - Finadeck

Vauraus Suomi Oyj on vuonna 2011 perustettu Suomen johtava yrityslainaa välittävä joukkorahoituspalvelu, joka yhdistää joustavaa rahoitusta tarvitsevat yritykset ja hyvää tuottoa …See details»

Vauraus - Finland - Crowdlending - Crowdinform

Platform Concept: Vauraus is a Finnish peer-to-peer (P2P) lending platform that specializes in providing business loans to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).See details»

Vauraus - Finadeck

Vauraus Suomi Oyj - Finland's leading corporate loan crowdfunding service Vauraus Suomi Oyj is Finland's leading corporate loan crowdfunding service, founded in 2011, which connects companies in need of flexible financing with …See details»

Yritys - Vauraus

Vauraus on perustettu tarpeisiin tehostaa suomalaisen PK-sektorin yritysrahoitusta ja kasvua sekä tarjota samalla läpinäkyvä ja tasaisesti tuottava pörssisuhdanteista riippumaton sijoitusmuoto sijoittajille.See details»

Vauraus Headquarters and Office Locations -

Vauraus is headquartered in Helsinki, Urho Kekkosen katu 7b, Finland, and has 8 office locations.See details»

Vauraus Summary - P2PMarketData Company Profile

Vauraus is a peer-to-peer lending platform from Finland. Vauraus serves as an online community for investing in small business debt starting at €100, and enables borrowers to receive funding …See details»

Vauraus - Contacts, Employees, Board Members, Advisors & Alumni

Vauraus has 1 current employee profile, CEO & Managing Director Elisa Saarinen. Vauraus is a modern investment house that combines stable returns investor outreach and effective …See details»

Vauraus crowdfunding platform: overview, analysis & statistics

Vauraus offers investment opportunities to lend money for Finnish SMEs and gain returns, or businesses can avail of quick, flexible and unsecured loans. What does Vauraus offer ?See details»


Sep 13, 2023 · Suomen johtava rahoitusalusta, Vauraus Suomi Oyj, on solminut yhteistyösopimuksen kansainvälisten partnerien Exaloanin ja Chartered Investmentin kanssa …See details»

Vauraus platform new collaboration strengthens the SME …

Vauraus Suomi Oyj, the Finnish market leader in Marketplace Lending, has established a cooperation with Exaloan and Chartered Investment to increase Finnish SME funding …See details»

Accelerate growth - Vauraus

Vauraus has intermediated crowdfunded corporate loans in Finland since 2013. We are the major operator in the industry: we have intermediated more than 200 million euros in loan funding to …See details»

Smart way to invest in digital lending - Exaloan

We connect investors and loan originators seamlessly and match funding opportunities through unique loan-level, real-time credit scoring. Painlessly integrate the EU SFDR and other ESG …See details»

Elisa Saarinen - CEO & Managing Director @ Vauraus - Crunchbase

Elisa Saarinen is the current Managing Director & CEO of Vauraus. She previously worked at Tampereen Raitiotie Oy as a Board Member. Elisa Saarinen attended Åbo Academy University.See details»


VAURAUS 16mm is the first and only paddle ever developed, to hit the 2800 rpm AVERAGE spin markSee details»