VCD IT Group provides information and communication technology solutions. It offers consultancy and software infrastructure and management services.
Social Links:
Information Technology
Groningen, Groningen, The Netherlands
The Netherlands
Website Url:
+31 50 597 5500
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Domain Not Resolving Euro SPF SSL By Default IPv6 Microsoft Exchange Online Office 365 Mail Microsoft Azure DNS DMARC HubSpot CMS Hub
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- Location: Netherlands
- Latitude: 52.3824
- Longitude: 4.8995
- Timezone: Europe/Amsterdam

More informations about "VCD IT Group"
The Organization -
The Organization In July 2022, the CVD Foundation was established after years of preparation and bilateral collaboration projects among CVD partners. This foundation is non-profit and …See details»
Aboutthe Vermeer Centrum Delft -
The Vermeer Centrum Delft (VCD) is a vibrant location in the historic city center of Delft. Thanks to the efforts of more than 70 enthusiastic volunteers, we receive more than 50,000 paying …See details»
VCD | European Cooperation for Space Standardization - ECSS
The ECSS website containing all published ECSS documents and information about ECSS and its organization can be accessed here. By accessing this website you agree to the ECSS License …See details»
Provider vDC: cluster or resource pool?
Sep 24, 2010 · An Organization vDC (Org vDC) is an allocation out of the Provider vDC (pVDC), in other words the resources provided by the PvDC are …See details»
VCD IT Group and Axians to move forward together - vinci …
VINCI Energies in the Netherlands has definitively acquired the VCD IT Group (VCD). In due time, VCD will continue its work under the Axians brand name, which is the ICT brand of VINCI …See details»
vCO Workflow: Create a vCD organization (1/2)
Mar 13, 2013 · VMware offers vCenter Orchestrator (vCO) as their orchestration tool and is included in every vCenter Server installation. In this post I will link to some articles on how to configure vCO and I will show you how to create a …See details»
Organization -
The Organization Virtual Data-center (Org VDC) is your virtual data-center that offers CPU, memory, and storage. You can have multiple data-centers with different characteristics, …See details»
VMware Cloud Director Documentation
VMware Cloud Director, also referred to as VCD, is a cloud services platform that delivers secure, isolated, and elastic virtual data center compute, network, storage, and security in a self-service model. VMware Cloud Director obtains …See details»
vCloud Director 9.x Organization Association – VirtualHow
Feb 24, 2020 · Here is the step-by-step process to create an Org Association using the HTML5 Interface. These steps have been tested on vCloud Director 9.7, and require an existing tenant …See details»
How to migrate vApps in vCloud Director 9.7 with ease -
Nov 17, 2019 · How to migrate vApps in vCloud Director 9.7 with ease will be explained in this article. This week I needed to migrate an vApp to an OrgVDC backed by an resource pool in a …See details»
Video-cd - Wikipedia
Een video-cd of kortweg vcd is een optische schijf en de voorloper van de dvd. Een video-cd is een cd -schijfje van dezelfde grootte, maar bevat als inhoud alleen beelden, geen menu's, …See details»
Registry of Companies - Digital Government and Service NL
All corporations operating in the province must be registered with this registry. Adobe® Acrobat® Reader software can be used for viewing PDF documents. Download Acrobat® Reader for free.See details»
VCD IT Groep en Axians gaan samen verder - VINCI Energies …
May 18, 2017 · VINCI Energies in Nederland heeft VCD IT Groep (VCD) definitief overgenomen. Op termijn gaat VCD verder onder de merknaam Axians, het ICT merk van VINCI Energies.See details»
Jaap Fischer - Wikipedia
Joop Visser en Jessica van Noord op het poëziefestival Het Tuinfeest in Deventer, 3 augustus 2013. Jacob Herman Frederik (Jaap) Fischer (Utrecht, 18 april 1938) is een Nederlands …See details»
Newfoundland and Labrador Nonprofit Organizations
Using this form, we are able to capture vital information about your nonprofit organization (e.g., organization name, type, short description about what you do, contact information, social …See details»
Free Whois Lookup - Whois IP Search & Whois Domain Lookup
IP numbers are assigned to networking organisations with a record maintained by governing bodies for each IP number and the organisation to which it has been assigned. A whois IP …See details»
Nonprofit Organizations Listing - Volunteer St. John's, NL
Using this form, we are able to capture vital information about your nonprofit organization (e.g., organization name, type, short description about what you do, contact information, social …See details»
COD NL. Coalition of Persons with Disabilities Newfoundland and …
The Coalition of Persons with Disabilities Newfoundland and Labrador (COD NL) Incorporated in 1983, COD NL is a provincial, cross-disability organization that educates and advises …See details»
Coalition of Persons with Disabilities Newfoundland and Labrador
COD-NL is the cross disability advocacy organization for persons with disabilities in Newfoundland and Labrador. COD-NL serves people with all disabilities, advocating for the …See details»
vCloud Director Architecture -
Sep 8, 2010 · Many of you have deployed, managed, installed or designed vSphere environments. The vCloud Director architecture introduces a new and additional layer on top …See details»