Virginia is a consulting firm that provides business development consultancy, product design and branding, and marketing services.
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Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan
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- Location: Osaka Japan
- Latitude: 34.6848
- Longitude: 135.5142
- Timezone: Asia/Tokyo
- Postal: 543-0062

More informations about "Virginia"
ヴァージニアは美容医療分野の豊富な経験から、美容医療コンサルティングや集患支援・dx開発・コスメブランド開発に至るまでビジネス課題を解決します。See details»
私たちについて - 株式会社ヴァージニア
株式会社ヴァージニアは「美に関する悩みのない社会を創る」をミッションに掲げ、ひとりひとりが納得感と安心感をもって美容を選択できるように「定量的な情報」と「よりよいサービス」の提供を実現いたします。See details»
株式会社ヴァージニア 採用サイト | 美に関する悩みのない社会を …
我々にしか提供できない 付加価値 ”美に関する悩みのない社会を創る” 一人一人が納得感と安心感をもって美容を選択できるように 「定量的な情報」と「よりよいサービス」の提供を実 …See details»
Virginia - Crunchbase Company Profile & Funding
Virginia is a consulting firm that provides business development consultancy, product design and branding, and marketing services.See details»
Virginia-class submarine - Wikipedia
The Virginia class, or the SSN-774 class, is the newest class of nuclear-powered cruise missile fast attack submarines in service with the United States Navy. The class is designed for a broad spectrum of open-ocean and littoral missions, including anti-submarine warfare and intelligence gathering operations. They are scheduled to replace older Los Angeles-class submarines, many of which …See details»
Obsolescence Manage•en for Virginia-Class Submarines - GovInfo
DEFENSE STANDARDIZATION PROGRAM CASE STUDY Obsolescence Manage•en for Virginia-Class Submarines i Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.See details»
U.S. SECNAV Names Future Virginia-class Submarine USS San …
Oct 4, 2023 “The future USS San Francisco, once commissioned, will be our nation’s newest Virginia-class nuclear-powered fast-attack submarine. USS San Francisco will build upon the …See details»
Secretary of the Navy Ray Mabus Names Virginia-Class Submarine
Sep 3, 2015 Secretary of the Navy Ray Mabus hosted a ship-naming ceremony today to announce that SSN 797, a Virginia-class attack submarine, will bear the name USS Iowa.See details»
Third Virginia-Class Block IV Submarine Delivered To US Navy
Mar 15, 2022 Montana (SSN 794), which successfully completed sea trials last month, is the 10th Virginia-class submarine to be delivered by HII’s Newport News Shipbuilding division and …See details»
USS Virginia (SSN-774) - Wikipedia
USS Virginia (SSN-774) is a nuclear powered cruise missile attack submarine and the lead ship of her class, currently serving in the United States Navy (USN). She is the tenth vessel of the …See details»
Virginia Class - General Dynamics Electric Boat
Contact Us. 75 Eastern Point Road Groton, CT 06340 Main Number: 860-433-3000 HR Receptionist: 888-231-9662 Fax Number: 860-433-1400 (Administration)See details»
Navy Drops One Virginia Class in ‘Constrained’ 2025 Budget Request
Mar 11, 2024 National Defense provides authoritative, non-partisan coverage of business and technology trends in defense and homeland security.A highly regarded news source for …See details»
submarines electro-optics sonar | Military Aerospace
Jan 24, 2024 Compared to their predecessors such as the U.S. Seawolf- and Los Angeles-class attack submarines, the Virginia class boats offer several electronic, electro-optics, and …See details»
Second Virginia-Class Block IV Submarine Delivered to US Navy
Mar 1, 2022 The Submarine Force’s newest attack submarine, the future USS Oregon (SSN 793), was delivered to the U.S. Navy on Feb. 26. PCU Oregon is the twentieth Virginia Class …See details»
Virginia-Class: The U.S. Navy Submarine Russia and China Fear Most
Nov 10, 2023 These large ships displace nearly 8,000 tons and feature hull lengths measuring roughly 377 feet. Since the Virginia-class subs are nuclear-powered, they can travel at top …See details»
Virginia-Class: The U.S. Navy Submarine Built to Fight China
Top 4 Points - What You Need to Know About the Virginia-Class: The U.S. Navy needs a large fleet of advanced attack submarines to counter anti-access/area denial (A2/AD) systems …See details»
Virginia-Class: The U.S. Navy Submarine That Freaks Out Russia …
Aug 21, 2024 -Virginia-class subs, introduced in 2004, are equipped with an impressive arsenal, including Tomahawk cruise missiles and Mk48 torpedoes, making them a crucial component …See details»
US Navy inks deal for a tenth Virginia-class submarine - Defense …
Mar 19, 2021 The U.S. Navy sealed the deal on a 10th ship in its latest iteration of the Virginia-class attack submarine, issuing a $2.4 billion adjustment on a contract initially awarded in …See details»
Virginia-Class Attack Submarines: The Most Deadly Subs in the Sea
Apr 3, 2024 To see how much submarine technology has progressed since World War II, consider that a U.S. Navy Gato-class sub from 1943 would have weighed just 2,400 tons …See details»
SSN-776 USS Hawaii Virginia class attack submarine US Navy
09/24: Type, class: Attack Submarine, nuclear propulsion - SSN; Virginia class (Block I) Builder: General Dynamics Electric Boat, Groton, Connecticut, USA STATUS: Awarded: September 1, …See details»