
WireOnAir A/S specialized in wireless technology develops all houses from hardware design to firm-and software.

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Hardware Information Technology Software Wireless

Gentofte, Hovedstaden, Denmark


Website Url:


+45 3927 6860

Email Addresses:
[email protected]

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Official Site Inspections


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  • Location: Japan
  • Latitude: 35.69
  • Longitude: 139.69
  • Timezone: Asia/Tokyo

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WireOnAir A/S - Crunchbase Company Profile & Funding

Organization. WireOnAir A/S . Connect to CRM . Save . Summary. People. Technology. Signals & News. Similar Companies. About. WireOnAir A/S …See details»

Wireonair A/S Company Profile - Dun & Bradstreet

Find company research, competitor information, contact details & financial data for Wireonair A/S of Gentofte, Hovedstaden. Get the latest business insights from Dun & Bradstreet.See details»

Wire on Air | Dyplex Communications

WireOnAir A/S is a company having solid knowledge and experience within wireless technology standards as regards both hardware and software applications. We operate within two main …See details»

WireOnAir | Ears and eyes

Official website: wireonair.com Address: WireOnAir A/S, Brogårdsvej 70, DK-2820 Gentofte, Denmark Phone: +45 3927 6860 Fax: +45 3927 6868 Email: [email protected]. Legal …See details»

WireOnAir - Overview, News & Similar companies | ZoomInfo.com

WireOnAir A/S is a company having solid knowledge and experience within wireless technology standards as regards both hardware and software applications. We operate within two main …See details»

WireOnAir A/S - Tech Stack, Apps, Patents & Trademarks

WireOnAir A/S specialized in wireless technology develops all houses from hardware design to firm-and software. Search Crunchbase. Start Free Trial . Chrome Extension. Solutions. …See details»

WireOnAir A/S - Crunchbase

WireOnAir A/S specialized in wireless technology develops all houses from hardware design to firm-and software. Search Crunchbase. Start Free Trial . Chrome Extension. Solutions. …See details»

Wireonair A/S - 29172730 - Gentofte - Se Regnskaber, Roller og …

Wireonair A/S. CVR-nr 29172730 CVRP-nr 1011814014. Telefon 39 27 68 60. Adresse Brogårdsvej 70, 2820 Gentofte. Del af WIREONAIR A/S. Sammenlign Find lignende. Del …See details»

Wireonair A/S - Detailed information - Largestcompanies

Www.wireonair.com CFAR: 1011814014 Established: 2005 Subsidiary company to: A & H Vangsted Holding ApS (DK) Listing: Not listed Industry 1: B62 Computer programming, …See details»

Wireonair A/S · Brogardsvej 70, Gentofte, 2820, DNK - OpenGovUS

WIREONAIR A/S (doing business as WIREONAIR A/S) is an entity in Gentofte, registered with the System for Award Management (SAM) of U.S. General Services Administration (GSA). …See details»

WIREONAIR A/S - 29172730 - Gentofte - Se Regnskaber, Roller og …

Juridisk navn WIREONAIR A/S CVR-nr 29172730 Startdato 01.10.2005 Selskabsform Aktieselskab Antal ansatte 18 NACE-branche. 621000 Computerprogrammering. Adm. …See details»

WIREONAIR A/S · 10-20 ansatte | Paqle

WIREONAIR A/S blev etableret i 2005 og har adresse i Gentofte. Se regnskabet, som i 2022 viste en bruttofortjeneste på DKK 20 mio., samt nyheder og fakta. Virksomheden er et aktieselskab i …See details»

Wireonair A/S Denmark, Gentofte - Info-clipper.com

Check Wireonair A/S. Wireonair A/S is a company registered in Denmark. Info-clipper.com brings you a complete range of reports and documents featuring legal and financial data, facts, …See details»


Wireonair A/s has a registered CAGE Code for doing business with the United States government. Cage Code R6389 was last updated on 2016-07-11 with the following company …See details»

WireOnAir - 3CDSE

WireOnAir A/S designs and produces unique wireless High-Quality Audio (Live and Store & Forward) with tracking and Camera options. We utilize both conventional and unconventional …See details»

WIREONAIR A/S · 10-20 ansatte - Paqle

WIREONAIR A/S blev etableret i 2005 og har adresse i Gentofte. Se regnskabet, som i 2024 viste en bruttofortjeneste på DKK 27 mio., samt nyheder og fakta. Virksomheden er et aktieselskab i …See details»


WIREONAIR A/S DENMARK - booth 4 C106 - WireOnAir this year releases 8 new devices including Audio Live and Store & Forward with GPS and Camera options, new Software and …See details»

WireOnAir - Security and Policing 2025

WireOnAir A/S designs and produces unique wireless High Quality Audio devices (Live and Store & Forward) with tracking and Camera options. We utilize both conventional and …See details»

Wireonair A/S - s23.a2zinc.net

WireOnAir A/S is a Danish company, developing and producing high quality Surveillance and Intelligence Gathering Systems. We supply innovative and unique products to the market …See details»

Surveillance recorders - Davidhorn

Systems are designed wholly in-house or in close conjunction with specialist partners including WireOnAir A/S of Denmark. We are sole distributor in the UK and in Dubai for WireOn Air A/S. …See details»

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