WuliWeb is the leader in the fast-growing print-to-Web applications market, providing a complete, reader-friendly solution for bringing interactivity to the printed page. We offer a revolutionary Web-based product that allows magazine and newspaper publishers to seamlessly link their print and Web content. Major publishers are now deploying the technology worldwide to give their readers the unique experience of seeing the convergence of the print page and the Web. The system makes it easy for th... e user to read articles and advertisements in print form and then save or share them in a secure, personal library on the Internet. The reader can use virtually any device to enter the code - Palm or PocketPC PDA, cell phone, Symbol bar code scanner or PC keyboard. Readers can now electronically "tear and share" print articles or advertisements that they wish to archive or distribute to others. Print advertisers will be able to deploy engaging and dynamic online content to attract and inform consumers. For more information visit www.wuliweb.com.



Internet Publishing

Sunnyvale, California, United States

United States



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