
YALife is a new media publisher that gathers and creates information and inspiration that fuels the Next Generation of Africans to challenge the status quo and revolutionize the world. It provides actionable information and inspiration entrepreneurs and individuals seeking personal growth. Let's Grind!

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Home - Aya Society (Awaken Your Aims Society)

The vision of our society is reflected in Romans 13:11-12, 12:2 mentioned in history part. It is our vision to transform the disappointed in our community into happy individuals through …See details»

What Is Ayahuasca? Benefits, Side Effects And Retreats

Oct 24, 2023 Read on to learn about ayahuasca’s potential benefits, including for mental health, and side effects, as well as the growing trend of attending ayahuasca retreats.See details»

Donate to Canadian Charities Online | CanadaHelps

A one-stop shop for Canadians to donate and fundraise online for any registered Canadian charity. A complete online fundraising solution for charities.See details»

This Entrepreneur Started Her Business on Maternity Leave — Now...

Jul 16, 2024 By Khera Alexander “When you have the mindset to give it a try and find the right timing, right industry, and right product, I think everybody has a chance to be an entrepreneur,” …See details»

About - AYA Society (Awaken Your Aims Society)

Awaken your Aims Society is a registered non-profit and non-governmental organization in Canada under the Society Act number S0078914. Awaken Your Aim was founded by Ayuba …See details»

Your IsaLife Simplified - Isagenix News - IsaFYI.com

Everything we do here at Isagenix is to help you stay on track with your physical and financial wellness goals, which is why we are so excited to announce the upcoming release of a brand …See details»


Sep 9, 2020 生活雑貨、家電、diyなどあらゆる選択の合理化を目指す現役医師が送るブログ。「なんとなく」で買う事なく、購入前の複数製品の比較、意思決定の根拠、購入後の使用感 …See details»

Indigenous Youth Wellness and San’yas programs welcome $1.8m …

Aug 16, 2023 Indigenous Youth Wellness and San’yas programs welcome $1.8m Health Canada funding 16/08/2023See details»

This Calgary couple is working to destigmatize cancer for Black ...

Jan 24, 2022 When Yinka Oladele’s husband was diagnosed with multiple myeloma in 2016, she automatically became his caregiver. But she struggled to find the information and resources …See details»

Food, culture and connection at Iyé Creative – The Discourse.

Feb 2, 2022 The organization hopes to decolonize “mind, body and spirit,” and allow for connection between land, food, culture and people. After feeding and educating community …See details»

プランターの選び方とフレグラープランターレビュー 緑のカーテ …

May 3, 2020 目的ベランダにグリーンを置く事の必要性は前の記事でも軽く触れました。景色や空といったバルコニー外の遠景とウッドタイルの足元といった近景の間の「中景」として重 …See details»

Young Social Impact Heroes: Why and How Kira Ayla of It’s OVER …

Feb 4, 2024 As part of my series about young people who are making an important social impact”, I had the pleasure of interviewing Kira Ayla.. Kira Ayla is the Co-Founder of It’s …See details»

Social Impact Heroes: How Life is Good, Chief Executive ... - Medium

Jan 10, 2020 As a part of our series about individuals and organizations making an important social impact, I had the pleasure to interview Bert Jacobs, Chief Executive Optimist of Life is …See details»

Our Team - BeTheChangeYYC

BeTheChange YYC is a nonprofit organization founded by Chaz Smith, whose lived experience of homelessness and professional experience will fuel the organization's mission to help those in …See details»

YGOrganization | Yu-Gi-Oh! news that ends misinformation

3 days ago YGOrganization is the world’s most reliable information source for all Yu-Gi-Oh! news and content.See details»

San'yas Indigenous Cultural Safety Training

S a n'yas means "way of knowing" in Kwak'wala. Kwak'wala is the language of the Kwakwaka'wakw Peoples. Northern Vancouver Island and surrounding areas are the …See details»

Meet our YMCA International Youth Internship Program group

Jul 29, 2024 As part of the YMCA of Greater Toronto's commitment to empowering youth and strengthening global connections, we're excited to introduce our YMCA International Youth …See details»

What’s new - YWCA Canada

Feb 5, 2023 YWCA Canada’s new leader: Aline Nizigama shares her thoughts on big issues, life aspirations, and plans for the organization. Published on 02/05/2023 by Riddhi Vaiude Shaped …See details»

YMCA Centre for Life: Community Building in Belleville

The organization itself has come a long way since those days. Allen describes a constant evolution and expansion in programming, from fitness classes to day camps. The YMCA now …See details»

10 Principles to Organize Your Life (And Keep It That Way) - Todoist

Unrealistic plans set us up for a spiral of shame and regret when we ultimately fall short of our goal. Make consistency a part of your life and get used to imperfection.By opting for …See details»

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