Yunnan Germanium Industry is a manufacturing company. They produce organic germanium, zone-fused germanium, infrared germanium optical components, and an infrared thermal imaging camera. It also provides optical fiber, germanium tetrachloride, high-purity gallium arsenide single crystal and wafer, and indium phosphide single crystal and wafer.
Social Links:
Manufacturing Mining Precious Metals
Kunming, Yunnan, China
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Email Addresses:
[email protected]
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IPhone / Mobile Compatible Viewport Meta SPF Mobile Non Scaleable Content Apache Java EE Symantec Secure Site Apache Tomcat Coyote HiChina DNS China Ministry Of Public Security
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Yunnan Lincang Xinyuan Germanium Industry
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云南临沧鑫圆锗业股份有限公司_云南锗业公司基本信息介 …
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