Yunsheng Group is a technology company that offers human resources digital service cloud platforms. It creates a one-stop human resources full-process service system for employees, enterprises, governments, and institutions, and integrates recruitment, background adjustment, entry, social security and provident fund, salary, personal tax, and commercial insurance. The company was established in 2015 by Li Xianwei.
Social Links:
Cloud Computing Human Resources Information Technology Software
Shanghai, Shanghai, China
Website Url:
Total Employee:
Email Addresses:
[email protected]
Total Funding:
270 M CNY
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Euro SPF Pound Sterling Japanese Yen Alibaba HiChina DNS Tencent QQ Mail
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Current Employees Featured
Investors List
Peakview Capital
Peakview Capital investment in Series C - Yunsheng Group
36Kr investment in Series C - Yunsheng Group
ZhenFund investment in Series C - Yunsheng Group
Zhizhuo Capital
Zhizhuo Capital investment in Series C - Yunsheng Group
Volcanic Stone Investment
Volcanic Stone Investment investment in Series C - Yunsheng Group
Joint Capital
Joint Capital investment in Series C - Yunsheng Group
Enlight Growth Partners
Enlight Growth Partners investment in Series C - Yunsheng Group
Mingyu Capital
Mingyu Capital investment in Series C - Yunsheng Group
Vision Plus Capital
Vision Plus Capital investment in Series C - Yunsheng Group
58 Industry Fund
58 Industry Fund investment in Series C - Yunsheng Group
Official Site Inspections
- Host name:
- IP address:
- Location: Hangzhou China
- Latitude: 30.294
- Longitude: 120.1619
- Timezone: Asia/Shanghai
More informations about "Yunsheng Group"
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简介: 1、基本情况 深圳社宝科技有限公司是云生未来技术集团旗下的企业。该公司成立于2016年10月12日,位于深圳市南山区粤海街道高新区社区白石路3609号深圳湾科技生态园二区9 …See details»
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Yunsheng Group adheres to the mission of "making the society …
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Yunsheng Group - Crunchbase Company Profile & Funding
Yunsheng Group is a technology company that offers human resources digital service cloud platforms. It creates a one-stop human resources full-process service system for employees, …See details»
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深圳社宝科技有限公司 - 爱企查
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