Zealand Care provides complete service solutions for depot management, service and aids, and offers solutions in the distribution of modern welfare technology, for example, the future perspective on health and well-being in Denmark. We take the dialogue to customize the solutions to match customer needs. It requires knowledge and insight to qualify that dialogue and match our customers into a real and serious partnership. Our foundation is more than twenty years of experience as a service pro... vider in the industry. We engage in the tasks and acknowledge and meet our customers' needs for flexible and unique solutions. Through the retail chain Seniorland we also offer professional advice and sales to private individuals through physical stores as well as online. Zealand Care is owned by the Dutch group Louwman, and today we have approx. 75 employees spread across most of Denmark.
Social Links:
Health Care Hospital
Holbæk, Midtjylland, Denmark
Website Url:
Total Employee:
+45 70 27 29 24
Email Addresses:
[email protected]
Technology used in webpage:
IPhone / Mobile Compatible Viewport Meta SPF Nginx Common Name Invalid DoubleClick.Net CloudFront DigiCert SSL Google Adsense AdBlock Acceptable Ads
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Official Site Inspections
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- Location: Canada
- Latitude: 43.6319
- Longitude: -79.3716
- Timezone: America/Toronto

More informations about "Zealand Care"
Zealand Care - Crunchbase Company Profile & Funding
Contact Email [email protected] Phone Number +45 70 27 29 24 Zealand Care provides complete service solutions for depot management, service and aids, and offers solutions in the …See details»
Zealand Care A/S Overview | SignalHire Company Profile
Organization Website: zealandcare.dk : Zealand Care A/S industries ... Ved Faurgården 5C, Holbæk, Sjælland, 4300 DK Ved Faurgården 5C, Holbæk, ... Zealand Care A/S Employees …See details»
Zealand Care Company Profile: Valuation, Investors, Acquisition
Zealand Care General Information Description. Provider of mobility aids for elderly and disabled. The company provides information technology services to aid management and resource …See details»
Zealand Care - Overview, News & Similar companies - ZoomInfo
Zealand Care contact info: Phone number: +45 42601153 Website: www.zealandcare.dk What does Zealand Care do? Zealand Care provides complete service solutions for depot …See details»
Zealand Care A/S - Company Profile & Staff Directory - ContactOut
Zealand Care A/S | 478 followers on LinkedIn. Zealand Care is a service provider within the aid area to both the public and private sector. Further we provide solutions within Health and …See details»
Zealand Care A/S: Contact Details and Business Profile
Zealand Care A/S is a Hospital & Health Care, Health Care, and Disability Equipment Services company located in Vallensbæk Strand with 41 employees. Find top employees, contact …See details»
Zealand Care er en serviceudbyder til det offentlige og private inden for hjælpemidler og sundheds- og velfærdsteknologiske løsninger. Vores mål er at gøre hverdagen lettere for …See details»
ZEALAND CARE A/S - Se overskud, ejere, tidslinje og regnskaber
[email protected]. Branchekode. 77.29.00 Udlejning og leasing af andre varer til personlig brug og husholdningsbrug i.a.n. Antal ansatte. 2 Medarbejdere (3 årsværk, Juni 2022) ...See details»
Zealand Care A/S - Drug pipelines, Patents, Clinical trials - Synapse
Explore Zealand Care A/S with its drug pipeline, therapeutic area, technology platform, .See details»
Nyttige links Zealand Care — Godadgang
Zealand Care. Zealand Care er en dansk omsorgsvirksomhed, som startede i 1996 med at tilbyde et koncept til administration af hjælpemidler samt fælles kommunal drift af hjælpemiddel …See details»
ZEALAND CARE - Company Information, Competitors, News & FAQs
Find useful insights on ZEALAND CARE's company details, tech stack, news alerts, competitors and more. Use 6sense to connect with top decision-makers at ZEALAND CARE.See details»
Zealand Care A/S - Overview, Competitors & Emplyee insight
Knowledge Base. Learn how to use AroundDeal effectively and get help when you need itSee details»
Zealand Care lukker – Sjællandske Nyheder - sn.dk
Nov 4, 2021 Modtag daglige nyheder fra sn.dk Jeg har læst og accepterer vilkår og betingelserne Har du et abonnement på et af vores dagblade og ønsker at aktivere din …See details»
Zealandcare.dkSee details»
Zealand Care A/S Åbningstider - find-aaben.dk
Find åbningstider for firmaet Zealand Care A/S i Neergaardsvej 13, 4800, Nykøbing F såvel som andre kontaktinformationer såsom adresser, telefonnumre, webside, interaktiv rutevejledning …See details»
Zealand Care Staff Directory & Email Format - ContactOut
Explore Zealand Care staff directory for direct access to contact details on 6 employees including email format, email address and phone numbers.See details»
Zealand Care A/S Åbningstider - find-aaben.dk
Find åbningstider for firmaet Zealand Care A/S i Greve Main 3, 2670, Greve såvel som andre kontaktinformationer såsom adresser, telefonnumre, webside, interaktiv rutevejledning og …See details»
Efter 25 år må Zealand Care lukke og slukke: Mangler ... - Børsen
Zealand Care leverer hjælpemidler til kommunerne, men lukker efter 25 år. To kommuner har fundet billigere løsning internt Til marts næste år lukker og slukker virksomheden Zealand …See details»
Zealand Care satser på velfærds-løsninger - Berlingske
Nov 21, 2016 Efter mange år som succesfuld service-leverandør på hjælpemiddelsområdet breder den landsdækkende virksomhed nu forretningen ud med ambitiøs satsning på …See details»
Zealand Care får ny millionindsprøjtning fra hollandsk ejer - Finans
Jan 5, 2017 Benjamin Werner Christensen, f. 1985, er journalist på Finans og dækker medicinal- og biotekbranchen. Benjamin er uddannet cand.comm fra RUC og har siden sin praktiktid på …See details»