
Zhongke Huiju manufactures automotive-related equipment that includes parking charging equipment, charging piles, parking space detection terminals, parking control equipment, and parking guidance systems. They provide vertical ecological services for cities around city level parking big data.

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Automotive Information Technology Parking


Fengtai, Beijing, China


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Email Addresses:
[email protected]

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Domain Not Resolving SSL By Default Apple Mobile Web Clips Icon HSTS LetsEncrypt Nginx IIS 10 Ruby On Rails Token PayPal Laravel

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Investors List


China Investment Xinlian Fund

China Investment Xinlian Fund investment in Series A - Zhongke Huiju


Fengyun Capital

Fengyun Capital investment in Series A - Zhongke Huiju


Angel Plus China

Angel Plus China investment in Angel Round - Zhongke Huiju

Official Site Inspections


  • Host name:
  • IP address:
  • Location: Hangzhou China
  • Latitude: 30.294
  • Longitude: 120.1619
  • Timezone: Asia/Shanghai

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