
Zonsen Peplib Biotech builds a peptide compound library and provides peptide drug discovery and development services for global pharmaceutical and biotech companies. The company's technology could compress the amino acid sequence information of about 500,000,000 peptides into 80,000 peptide compounds.

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Biotechnology Health Care Product Research


Zhuzhou, Hunan, China


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Total Funding:
220 M CNY

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Domain Not Resolving Euro Font Awesome Unified Layer China Telecom

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Current Employees Featured


Sean Li
Sean Li Chief Executive Officer & Founder @ Zonsen Peplib Biotech
Chief Executive Officer & Founder



Sean Li

Investors List


CAS Investment Management

CAS Investment Management investment in Series A - Zonsen Peplib Biotech


Legend Star

Legend Star investment in Series A - Zonsen Peplib Biotech


Fortune Capital

Fortune Capital investment in Series A - Zonsen Peplib Biotech


Cowin Capital

Cowin Capital investment in Series A - Zonsen Peplib Biotech



ASBV investment in Series A - Zonsen Peplib Biotech


Highlight Capital

Highlight Capital investment in Series A - Zonsen Peplib Biotech

Official Site Inspections


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  • Location: Beijing China
  • Latitude: 39.9288
  • Longitude: 116.3889
  • Timezone: Asia/Shanghai

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More informations about "Zonsen Peplib Biotech"

Zonsen Peplib Biotech - Crunchbase Company Profile & Funding

Zonsen Peplib Biotech builds a peptide compound library and provides peptide drug discovery and development services for global pharmaceutical and biotech companies. The company's …See details»

Zonsen PepLib Biotech Inc.

Zonsen PepLib Biotech Inc. is a high-tech biopharmaceutical enterprise that is dedicated to advancing global innovation in the discovery of new peptide drugs. Founded in September …See details»

About Us-Zonsen PepLib Biotech Inc.

PepLib successfully raised 100 million yuan (USD 16 million) in Series Pre-A financing in 2019 and secured Series A financing of 220 million yuan (USD 35 million) in 2021. PepLib has been …See details»

Peplib - Overview, News & Similar companies | ZoomInfo.com

Who is Peplib. PepLib is rethinking peptide drug discovery: a revolutionary platform technology company with a proprietary peptide library, unique screening capab ilities, and robust internal …See details»

Management Team-Zonsen PepLib Biotech Inc.

PepLib aims to promote the development and accessibility of innovative peptide drugs, benefiting global patients and human health while keeping costs low. Home. About Us. Science & …See details»

Peplib - Company Profile - Tracxn

Nov 13, 2024 Peplib - Provider of peptide drug discovery and development services for global pharmaceutical industries. Raised a total funding of $34.2M over 1 round from 6 investors. …See details»

Peplib - VentureRadar

Formed by the Who’s Who in peptide drug discovery with a combined 75 years of biopharmaceutical R&D experience. They hope to leverage PepLib’s innovative platform to …See details»

Zonsen Peplib Biotech - Funding, Financials, Valuation & Investors

Zonsen Peplib Biotech is a peptide compound library and provides peptide drug discovery. Search Crunchbase. Start Free Trial . Chrome Extension. Solutions. Products. Resources. ... How …See details»

Protein Expression and Purification_Zonsen PepLib Biotech Inc.

Zonsen PepLib Biotech Inc._Zonsen PepLib Biotech Inc. is a high-tech biopharmaceutical enterprise that is dedicated to advancing global innovation in the discovery of new peptide …See details»

PepLib Financial Overview, Employee Count, and Competitors

PepLib has been working towards Series Pre-IPO financing since March 2022. PepLib has more than 190 employees, and more than 80% of the workforce is made up of R&D personnel.At …See details»

PepLib - Company Profile & Staff Directory - ContactOut

PepLib is rethinking peptide drug discovery: a revolutionary platform technology company with a proprietary peptide library, unique screening capabilities, and robust internal drug development …See details»

Supporting Capabilities-Zosen PepLib Biotech Inc.

Zosen PepLib Biotech Inc. Supporting Capabilities Zonsen PepLib Biotech Inc. is a high-tech biopharmaceutical enterprise that is dedicated to advancing global innovation in the discovery …See details»

Peplib - workinbiotech.com

PepLib is discovering new peptide drugs for various applications. Using their peptide discovery platform, Peptide Information Compression Technology (PICT), which contains information on …See details»

Technology Platforms-Zonsen PepLib Biotech Inc.

Zonsen PepLib Biotech Inc. Technology Platforms Zonsen PepLib Biotech Inc. is a high-tech biopharmaceutical enterprise that is dedicated to advancing global innovation in the discovery …See details»

Management Team-Zosen PepLib Biotech Co., Ltd.

Jobs at PepLib. CN. Company Team. Management Team Scientific Advisory Board Co-founder & CEO Dr. Sean Li 30+ yrs experience in peptide chemistry and biology; 10 yrs CRO experience …See details»

PepLib: Revenue, Competitors, Alternatives - growjo.com

PepLib’s novel peptide technology platform uses cyclic peptides to encode and compress half of a billion sequences, including complete peptide libraries up to pentapeptides (ZSenithFive™). …See details»

News-Zonsen PepLib Biotech Inc.

PepLib has transferred a new preclinical drug candidate to Jiudian 06. 2024 / 03. Mariana Oncology to be Acquired by Novartis to Advance Precision Radiopharmaceuticals to Treat …See details»


Een groep enthousiastelingen met een bijzonder hart voor solidariteit en Haïti. Ondanks de steun van verschillende hulporganisaties is Haïti nog steeds één van de armste landen van de …See details»

Supporting Capabilities-Zonsen PepLib Biotech Inc.

PepLib aims to promote the development and accessibility of innovative peptide drugs, benefiting global patients and human health while keeping costs low. Home. About Us. Science & …See details»

Industry News-Zonsen PepLib Biotech Inc.

News Zonsen PepLib Biotech Inc. Orbis Medicines Launches with €26 Million Seed Financing to Transform Macrocycle Drug Development through Next-Generation Orally Dosable ‘nCycles’See details»

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