Zpiz specializes in pension insurance, e-data reporting, disability insurance, revenue reconciliation, and electronic services.
Social Links:
Insurance Legal Retirement
Ljubljana, Ljubljana Urban Commune, Slovenia
Website Url:
Total Employee:
Technology used in webpage:
Domain Not Resolving Mobile Non Scaleable Content HSTS Nginx ASP.NET IIS Apple Mobile Web App Status Bar Style Ubuntu Ruby On Rails Token ASP.NET 4.0
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Official Site Inspections
http://www.zpiz.si Semrush global rank: 234.78 K Semrush visits lastest month: 179.04 K
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More informations about "Zpiz"
ZPIZ - dobrodošli
E-naslov [email protected]; Območne enote; Kontaktni center . Informacije o bremenitvah prejemkov, ki vam jih nakazuje zavod 01 4745 901; Druge informacije o nakazilih zavoda 01 …See details»
Institute’s organization - ZPIZ
Institute’s organization. Pension and Disability Insurance Institute of Slovenia is the provider and implementer of the pension and disability insurance scheme of Slovenia. In the present form it …See details»
ZPIZ - Welcome
E-mail [email protected]; Contact centres. Information on deductions from payments provided by the Institute 01 4745 901; ... Customer support for E-ZPIZ and BiZPIZ online services 01 4745 909; Other information 01 4745 910; E …See details»
contenten - ZPIZ
The use of most services requires prior additional agreements between the organization and ZPIZ. The use of BiZPIZ services is possible if the following requirements are met. For help …See details»
contenten - ezpiz.zpiz.si
Jan 1, 2013 E-mail [email protected]; Contact centres. Information on deductions from payments provided by the Institute 01 4745 901; ... Customer support for E-ZPIZ and BiZPIZ …See details»
ZPIZ - LinkedIn
ZPIZ | 436 followers on LinkedIn. Pension and disability insurance in Slovenia is compulsory and uniform for everyone who meets the statutory insurance requirements (insured persons). …See details»
eUprava - Podrobnosti institucije - Portal GOV.SI
Zahteva za izplačilo dela pokojnine (40 oziroma 20 odstotkov) Zahteva za izplačilo dodatka o dodatku k pokojnini za delo in izjemne dosežke na področju športa Zahteva za pridobitev …See details»
The use of most services requires prior additional agreements between the organization and ZPIZ. The use of BiZPIZ services is possible if the following requirements are met. For help …See details»
How digital transformation enabled ZPIZ (Pension and Disability
Nov 12, 2020 Present is always a result of our past activities. So our agility in the recent years mostly determined how prepared we would face new challenges, including the currently …See details»
Številne opravke na Zpizu lahko uredite kar od doma
V portal Moj e-ZPIZ se prijavite neposredno na domači strani www.zpiz.si s klikom na povezavo Moj e-ZPIZ, nato sledite napotkom za prijavo z uporabo digitalnega potrdila ali računa SI …See details»
ZPIZ: Informacije po telefonu in e-pošti - Delo
Mar 16, 2020 Stranke lahko kot doslej zahtevke vlagajo z uporabo elektronskih storitev na naslovu www.zpiz.si (Moj eZPIZ za zavarovance in uživalce pravic, Moj BiZPIZ za organizacije), posredujejo zahtevke na elektronski naslov …See details»
contenten - ZPIZ
If you have an SI-PASS service account or an electronic identification means issued in the EU, ... E-mail [email protected]; Contact centres. Information on deductions from payments …See details»
Kako do zavoda - ZPIZ
[email protected] . Za vprašanja, povezana z varstvom osebnih podatkov: [email protected] . 4. URADNE URE OBMOČNIH ENOT. Strokovni delavci so strankam na območnih enotah na …See details»
Marijan Papež, generalni direktor ZPIZ: Bolje se je ... - Dnevnik
Nov 24, 2024 Marijan Papež, generalni direktor ZPIZ: Bolje se je upokojiti letos. Za tiste, ki že imajo pogoje in razmišljajo, ali bi se upokojili letos ali drugo leto januarja, februarja ali marca, …See details»
E-naslov [email protected]; Območne enote; Kontaktni center . Informacije o bremenitvah prejemkov, ki vam jih nakazuje zavod 01 4745 901; Druge informacije o nakazilih zavoda 01 …See details»
Zpiz v najmanj 66 primerih nepravilno določil in izplačal pokojnino
5 days ago Računsko sodišče je Zavodu za pokojninsko in invalidsko zavarovanje Slovenije (Zpiz) izreklo mnenje s pridržkom glede pravilnosti poslovanja v lanskem letu, glede …See details»
contenten - ZPIZ
You can also use the eZPIZ services with the SI-PASS online login. The use of eZPIZ services is possible if the following technical requirements are met. For help with the use of eZPIZ …See details»
LGBTQ rights in the Ivory Coast - Wikipedia
Consensual same-sex sexual acts between adults in private are legal and have never been criminalized within Ivory Coast, [1] due in part to Ivory Coast being a former French colony and …See details»
Registracija - ZPIZ
Pri registraciji se povežejo vaši podatki v IS ZPIZ s podatki vašega digitalnega potrdila. ... da na isti strani izberete povezavo Vstopi v Moj eZPIZ s prijavo EU/SI-PASS. Ob tem se izvede …See details»
You can also use the eZPIZ services with the SI-PASS online login. The use of eZPIZ services is possible if the following technical requirements are met. For help with the use of eZPIZ …See details»