
Askesis Società Benefit is a training and coaching company.

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+39 342 39 36 393

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Niccolò Ventrice
Niccolò Ventrice Sustainability Consultant @ Askesis Società Benefit
Sustainability Consultant

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  • Location: Arezzo Italy
  • Latitude: 43.4631
  • Longitude: 11.8783
  • Timezone: Europe/Rome
  • Postal: 52100

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More informations about "Askesis Società Benefit"

Home - Askesis

PODCAST ASKESIS, IL BENE COMUNE É IMPRESA Con il nostro nome, Askesis, abbiamo voluto recuperare la bellezza essenziale di un termine greco e del suo significato che sta a …See details»

Askesis Società Benefit - Crunchbase Company Profile & Funding

Headquarters Regions European Union (EU), Europe, Middle East, and Africa (EMEA) Founded Date 2011; Operating Status Active; Legal Name Askesis Società Benefit srl; Company Type …See details»

[PDF] Askēsis and organizational culture | Semantic Scholar

Mar 1, 2013 This article develops Foucault’s later work on ethics and his concept of ethical askesis in the transformation of the self as a new approach to understanding organizational …See details»

Askesis Development Group - Crunchbase Company …

Askesis Development Group believes that designing a premiere software solution begins with a deep understanding of the industry. Askesis' leadership has …See details»

Askesis - Crunchbase Company Profile & Funding

Headquarters Regions European Union (EU), Europe, Middle East, and Africa (EMEA) Founded Date 2008; Operating Status Active; Company Type For …See details»

Askesis Development Group - Overview, News & Similar

Jul 18, 2022 Who is Askesis Development Group. Askesis Development Group provides state-of-the-art software solutions for service delivery and business management excellence in …See details»

Askēsis and the seriousness of playing philosophically - IRCEP

Sep 1, 2023 Current research into philosophical practice and consultancy tends to be mostly focused on the professionalization of this activity. A large body of reference literature …See details»

Askēsis and organizational culture | Request PDF - ResearchGate

Mar 1, 2013 Clearly, with the context of the literature, the organization has a culture Brooks and Bate [37] similarly to the individual (Haralambus and Holborn, 2002), which extends to political …See details»

Foucault's Askesis: An Introduction to the Philosophical Life

In his renowned courses at the Collège de France from 1982 to 1984, Michel Foucault devoted his lectures to meticulous readings and interpretations of the works...See details»

Edward McGushin: Foucault’s Askesis: An Introduction to the ...

Jan 10, 2010 As McGushin explains in the introduction, his examination of Foucault will read Foucault’s earlier texts in light of his later ones. Footnote 3 This interpretive strategy is …See details»

Asceticism/Askēsis: Foucault's Thinking Historical Subjectivity

Use of the word askesis, from which we get asceticism, cannot help but make us wince. We cannot help but notice that asceticism, like Foucault's askesis, denotes self-transforming …See details»

Why Everyone Should Be an Ascetic - Intellectual Takeout

Oct 20, 2015 However, as Seattle University philosophy professor Dr. Daniel Dombrowski has pointed out, the term askesis also has a relation to the idea of ethics: “The very word ‘ethics’ in …See details»

Askesis, Critique, and Tradition: Foucault and Benjamin | Ori …

Nov 3, 2019 Ori Rotlevy, Askesis, Critique, and Tradition: Foucault and Benjamin. Lecture on Soundcloud, October 2019 Consortium for Interdisciplinary Research at the University of …See details»

Modes of Askēsis -

Adam Robbert – Draft Copy – August 1, 2019 2 Definitions and Boundary Conditions The Oxford English Dictionary defines askēsis simply as a practice of self- discipline (from the Greek …See details»


Askesis goes beyond mere physical training; it encompasses a wide range of activities, including mental, spiritual, and ethical self-training. The goal is often to attain a kind of inner peace, …See details»

Askesis and the logic of the spiral - Taylor & Francis Online

Jun 12, 2017 ABSTRACT. This essay sets out to demonstrate a strong connection between eros and askesis in Foucault’s writings. Analogous to Huffer’s argument about eros, I suggest that …See details»

Contemporary Forms of Askesis and the Return of Spiritual …

Contemporary Forms of Askesis and the Return of Spiritual Exercises This paper examines recent philosophical retrievals of the ancient idea of askesis and argues that they face a dilemma. On …See details»

What Is Askēsis? - Knowledge Ecology

Nov 28, 2019 For those of you interested in transformative exercise, psychotechnologies, ecologies of practice, and so on, here’s a short thread on askēsis, a word I think you’ll find …See details»

Philosophy and Askēsis – Knowledge Ecology

Jan 27, 2020 Hadot’s historical work includes treatments of pre-Socratic philosophy, Platonism and Aristotelianism, the Hellenistic and Roman periods, the Middle Ages, and the modern era. …See details»

Theology as Askesis - Concordia Theological Seminary

OSWALD BAYER 36 The word askesis appears in the theological jargon of the 17th century, in titles such as Theologica ascetica.2 Particularly instructive is the title of an 879-page book by …See details» © 2022. All rights reserved