Autism is a neurodevelopmental disability that presents a range of different symptoms in different people. A new surveys of parents suggests that 1 in 45 children, ages 3 through 17, have been diagnosed with ASD. Autistic signs, symptoms and behavioral patterns that our Speech and Language Therapists look out for and work on may include Communication skills, Social skills, and behavioral patterns. Additional to this autism treatment is very expensive, missing data and information between tr... eatment centers, researches, assistive technology not registering autistic usage behavior, again missing results and autistic profile when the autistic change the centers become missing and not help to complete the treatment and education in the right way. I started Research and Development for this project in 2008, while I was working and Studying in the University near my work was center for Autism treatment watching Autistic and their families. After the project started and when I helped the first Girl to play Piano at le royal hotel lobby; looking at her mother eyes make me the most passionate person in the world to help everyone have Autism spectrum disorder. System is an integrated system thatโ€™s built around an AI that can learn and adapt to each autistic childโ€™s set of needs and help them learn and develop and interact. 1. Low cost 2. Safe environment 3. Privacy 4. Continues treatment 5. Statistics we are developing software creates a harmony between different technologies virtual reality; augmented reality; communication tool over Picture exchange communication system, Digital sensory room with hologram, Digital kit, connectivity over IoT and An intelligent database is a full-text database that employs artificial intelligence (AI), interacting with autism spectrum disorder to ensure that returned items (hits) contain the most relevant information possible. This is in contrast to a traditional database, which is searchable only by keywords and verbatim phrases. This harmony with full detailed autism spectrum disorder profile allow system and therapist to have right the right decision. Autistic outputs: 1. Autistic behavior amendment. 2. Social skills of the autistic patient. 3. Language skills of the autistic patient. Data outputs: 1. Autistic behavior responses for different environments. 2. Physical analysis match with behavior and different Levels of Autism. Dream: shadow robot for Autism Smart AI robot understand their responses Artificial intelligence for Autism treatment using AR, VR, Data mining & pattern assistive sensory hologram, kit, room tech

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