
BellCode is a 100% children's programming education brand from North America dedicated to fostering innovators in the era of artificial intelligence. Developed by the Belk Group and Yale University, Carnegie Mellon University and other international computer labs, the children's programming and STEAM series based on the American CSTA Kโ€“12 education standard is provided for children aged 4โ€“15 years to help children develop logical thinking. Design thinking, problem-solving skills and hands-on... skills. The core teaching and research team of BellCode is from Yale, Carnegie Mellon, and other world-famous schools. It localizes the world's most advanced computer education resources and brings children's bilingual programming courses with a global vision. The core of the team as a whole lies in the R&D level of products and teaching and research. The teachers in the platform are from domestic famous schools such as 985 and 211. Some teachers also have overseas study experience, majoring in education, computer science, psychology, and other disciplines. The teacher of Bell programming has to pass at least 5 layers of screening, and the selection pass rate is less than 5%. The teaching and research team went to the developed countries in Europe and the United States to study, and the problem 2 was combined with Yale, Carnegie Mellon and other computer-based school laboratories to develop children's programming courses; in the same year, the course was officially opened for children aged 4-15 in Chicago offline education institutions. mission Bell's mission is to bring temperature-interesting teaching experience to children and teachers through state-of-the-art technology and services. feature of product Bell programming uses gamified educational ideas to combine Chinese classic culture with future smart technology. The curriculum system is gradual, from visual programming with building blocks to practical text programming, and to STEAM content such as engineering, science, and mathematics. Course form Bell's programming is based on a plot-oriented video format. Beckham is the โ€œresident residentโ€ in the video. In the video, Beckham teaches the knowledge points to the students, and the students use the programming knowledge to operate the video protagonist โ€œWukongโ€. company's product - Scratch Graphical Programming Editor - Scratch Junior Editor - TextCoding text programming editor - teaching platform

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  • Timezone: Asia/Shanghai

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