
Bugscore:tm: is the worldโ€™s first, crowd-sourced scoring Website that allows you to score and compare any person, product or business on a range of attributes, across time. The โ€˜Scoreโ€™ button that any 3rd party can add on their website, is a first in the world of social networking. On www.bugscore.com you can score your favorite actors, celebrities, politicians, your friends or even your enemies and also see how other people have scored them as well. The same goes for your favorite prod... ucts like movies, songs, gadgets, phones and also businesses like Universities, stores, restaurants or places of employment. You can think of it as an independent review site, but for everything. It is the first platform that enables you to score people while it is also the place where you can see what is the perceived value of a person, product or business in under 10 seconds and without having to go through numerous comments. Furthermore, on Bugscore you can make every search result reliable and personalized by filtering the scores based on the opinion of the people that matter the most to you, your friends.

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SPF Google Font API Domain Not Resolving Microsoft Exchange Online Office 365 Mail OVH

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  • Host name: ns511837.ip-167-114-117.net
  • IP address:
  • Location: Montreal Canada
  • Latitude: 45.5063
  • Longitude: -73.5794
  • Timezone: America/Toronto
  • Postal: H3A

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