
Global Business Guide is a leading online business intelligence source for emerging markets worldwide. The company is headquartered in Paris, France with branch offices in London, England and Marseille, France. GBG is present in key emerging markets throughout the world through dedicated teams to provide permanent coverage. Regularly updated analysis is carried out through research on the ground and interviews with members of the government, recognised industry experts and business leaders in... each sector of the economy. The company was founded by a network of consultants, researchers and international journalists with extensive experience working in emerging markets throughout Eastern Europe, Asia, the Middle East, South and Central America. The GBG vision is focused on making emerging markets accessible for the international business community and to facilitate links in trade, technology as well as human capital and knowledge. All stakeholders and employees of GBG share in the mission of providing objective and accurate information alongside highlighting real business opportunities that offer mutual and equitable benefit.Global Business Guide is a leading online business intelligence source for emerging markets worldwide. The company is headquartered in Paris, France with branch offices in London, England and Marseille, France. GBG is present in key emerging markets throughout the world through dedicated teams to provide permanent coverage. Regularly updated analysis is carried out through research on the ground and interviews with members of the government, recognised industry experts and business leaders in each sector of the economy. The company was founded by a network of consultants, researchers and international journalists with extensive experience working in emerging markets throughout Eastern Europe, Asia, the Middle East, South and Central America. The GBG vision is focused on making emerging markets accessible for the international business community and to facilitate links in trade, technology as well as human capital and knowledge. All stakeholders and employees of GBG share in the mission of providing objective and accurate information alongside highlighting real business opportunities that offer mutual and equitable benefit.

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  • Location: Paris France
  • Latitude: 48.8607
  • Longitude: 2.3281
  • Timezone: Europe/Paris
  • Postal: 75001

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