+91 9347318600

Peter Elvin Ministries

Church | Charity | Great Commission

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Our Mission

Our mission is to take the Gospel to unreached groups in India with the Good News of Jesus Christ by planting Churches and equipping native missionaries, pastors, and evangelists to see blood-washed India for Jesus and to break the cycle of poverty in India through community engagement.

About Us

Know More About Us

Our Vision is to introduce Christ’s love to people who don’t know the way, the truth, or where they will open their eyes after death. We strive to make Jesus known to every corner of India and lift His banner high by making people know the redemption (Work) of Christ in each and every one’s life.

Peter is the President of Peter Elvin Ministries and Pastor at Shalom International Ministries, India. He was..


What We Are Doing

“Do not neglect to do good and to share what you have, for such sacrifices are pleasing to God” – Hebrews 13:16

Church Planting

Shalom Mission Orphanage

Shalom Children School

Food Feeding Program

Pastors Monthly Support

How can you help?

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Help us provide a nurturing home and a rigorous education to thousands of children throughout Andhra Pradesh.

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Shalom Child Development Center provides after-school care; offering food, clothing, and education to children.

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As Christians in India experience increased persecution, join us in continuing to spread the love of God and praying for protection.

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We have leadership among 40 churches in south India, this Sponsorship help to maintain church needs like Sound, lights etc

Contact us

Sow a seed and be a blessing!

A small donation can make a great impact in our ministry, we really appreciate your Partnership!!

Write a mail to us and let us know how we can be praying you..