
Hoopmaps is a location-based app that allows users to play pickup basketball with other people near them on demand. Hoopmaps is an iOS App that lets people organize and/or find pickup Basketball games. Basketball lovers signup for free as they are introduce to , create a profile, and quickly locate the activity of a basketball game on a map. [1]โ€‰ About The App was created by twin brothers Donte and Dominic Morris, both have attended Sacramento State University. [9]โ€‰The idea came ... out of disappointment of not finding a place where people are playing pickup basketball. [6]โ€‰Due to the difficulty of finding games around the neighborhood or in their city, they sought to find an app or something that would assist them. Turns out no one had ever built an app that would satisfy the hunger for a fun, friendly, competitive game of basketball. [18] The brothers then decided to to make the app themselves. [11]โ€‰Committing and working on the app as partners came naturally for the twins as they have gone through many a Image The lone basketball player who balls on his own and thinks he is a magnificent player. project together practically since they were in grade school. [9]โ€‰ Features/Specs Many of the hurdles of finding a basketball game in the neighborhood are solved through the use of social planning and networking. [11]โ€‰ [6] The App is available all over the world and it's only on iOS, with the Android about to drop. Once the user opens the Mobile app and going through the log in process, players can then access the activity of basketball games in the area through a map. [6]โ€‰ Image Hoop Maps in Venice, California. The user can sets a time and location as way to indicate a check in. They can also schedule a game with someone. The app also allows for invitations. The app has two settings - a blue icon when a game is about to start, and an orange icon when a game is already in progress. The user can also set a time, place, and duration of pickup game. The game will then show up on maps for other users to peruse. The users can then share their pick up game across social media platforms by posting an image with the time and place of the game that took place. [6] Growth Once the twins launched the app and introduced it to the rest of the world, the app slowly began to have downloads. Once they reached roughly 1,000, CBS local did a story about them during a time when March Madness was in the ignition portion of the college tournament. In less than a week, the app received more than 30,000 downloads - with usage in a number of countries. [17]โ€‰ Events The Company has also organized 3-on-3 tournaments that have taken place in Oklahoma City, which is one of the biggest sites for the use of the app. Source: https://www.everipedia.com/hoopmaps/#ixzz4dROYnETB

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Gaming Location Based Services Mobile Apps


San Francisco, California, United States

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Current Employees Featured


Donte Morris
Donte Morris Co-founder @ Hoopmaps


Dominic Morris
Dominic Morris Co-founder @ Hoopmaps



Dominic Morris


Donte Morris

Official Site Inspections

http://www.hoopmaps.com Semrush global rank: 2.18 M Semrush visits lastest month: 9.04 K

  • Host name: a4ec4c6ea1c92e2e6.awsglobalaccelerator.com
  • IP address:
  • Location: United States
  • Latitude: 37.751
  • Longitude: -97.822
  • Timezone: America/Chicago

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