
InterKnowlogy is a global technology leader specializing in the design, implementation, and delivery of innovative solutions leveraging both current and emerging Microsoft technologies. The InterKnowlogy reputation is built upon the ability to enable clients to capitalize on their strategic investments, maximize efficiency, and focus on their core business competencies. For the past 10 years, InterKnowlogy has focused on remaining ahead of the curve in technology and process. For the past 4 y... ears, we have delivered dozens of large WPF, Silverlight, Surface, and Windows 7 Touch applications to clients across the country. It is our goal to remain the leader in application development around these technologies. Technology is driving forward at a breakneck pace. The same can be said for our InterKnowlogy engineers who are capable of moving at that same speed. With InterKnowlogy, clients can take advantage of InterKnowlogy's ability to live and move with the innovation edge, without taking on the risk, training, and time required to develop their own teams internally. InterKnowlogy is a team of modern technology architects in all aspects of the term. They understand the business need, the user mindset, the physical space, the data structure, and transfer it all into a cohesive, well-executed and visualized solution. Being capable of that end resultโ€”an engaging visual transformation of provided dataโ€”is the InterKnowlogy difference. InterKnowlogy unlocks groundbreaking barriers that have existed between people and technology by allowing users the ability to manipulate objects in touch screens with a single swipe of a finger. More so, InterKnowlogy thoughtfully has the end user in mind in building human and sometimes emotional experiences that leave lasting and longing impressions on our clients end user. InterKnowlogy currently sits on the eBusiness, .NET, and the US Sales PACs, providing great contacts and access into some of Microsoft's most exciting and dynamic business and technology teams.ย Being a leader in both the technologies and business thought arena propels InterKnowlogy into the highly sought after position of being visionaries in our field. Based in Carlsbad, CA, InterKnowlogy works with customers around the globe, facilitated by an agile methodology and clear client management strategy that keeps everyone on the same page throughout the engagement.

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Developer Tools Software Web Development


Carlsbad, California, United States

United States

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Email Addresses:
[email protected]

Total Funding:
82.5 K USD

Technology used in webpage:
Viewport Meta IPhone / Mobile Compatible Google Analytics WordPress Content Delivery Network Wordpress Plugins Nginx IPv6 AJAX Libraries API PHP

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Current Employees Featured


Rodney Guzman
Rodney Guzman Co-Founder & Chief Architect @ InterKnowlogy
Co-Founder & Chief Architect


Tim Huckaby
Tim Huckaby CEO, Founder & Executive Chairman @ InterKnowlogy
CEO, Founder & Executive Chairman



Rodney Guzman


Tim Huckaby

Official Site Inspections Semrush global rank: 3.95 M Semrush visits lastest month: 3.15 K

  • Host name:
  • IP address:
  • Location: Seattle United States
  • Latitude: 47.54
  • Longitude: -122.3032
  • Metro Code: 819
  • Timezone: America/Los_Angeles
  • Postal: 98108

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