
MaterialsNow simplifies the buying and selling of raw materials with a free-to-use RFQ marketplace. The mission of MaterialsNow is simple: maximize value, convenience, and opportunity for buyers and sellers of raw materials. VALUE. MaterialsNow is free to use for buyers and sellers, unlike our competitor services who either charge buyers for access or charge sellers membership fees to list their company and add-on fees to remain competitive. Use our marketplace as often or as little as you li... ke - there's no cost hanging over your head, no commitments. Of course we have to make money to keep operating - in full transparency, we add a small commission to each sale (see our Service Fees section in Terms of Service for the exact fee breakdown), but we only make money when a buyer and seller successfully transact. We don't believe in making any money until you have received the value you sought when you came to us. CONVENIENCE. Buyers, MaterialsNow is a consolidated marketplace, meaning you no longer have to scour the internet across multiple seller sites to compare quotes. Submit a RFQ, receive unlimited quotes. Submit as many RFQs as needed if your materials needs span multiple categories. Yep, all for free. Pick a quote, transact, receive materials from the seller. It doesn't get much easier than that. Sellers, the online search space is crowded - very few companies occupy the coveted first couple pages of search results. Stop worrying about how you are going to attract buyers to your site (and stop spending money on those ads) - we will bring the buyers to you, and it costs you nothing. OPPORTUNITY. Buyers, maximize your opportunity to make the most optimal purchase for your materials needs by comparing unlimited quotes from sellers. Sellers, no longer do you have to battle for internet traffic on the search engines - with MaterialsNow you have access to internet buyer traffic that would not have otherwise found you, and your opportunity to win their business is equal to any other seller out there, even the big names. We built a reputation system for sellers (ratings and reviews similar to most marketplaces you are probably familiar with), which benefits both parties - buyers can transact with confidence with sellers who have great service reputations, and sellers can maximize their chances of winning more business by building quality reputations. To buyers and sellers alike, we are thankful for the opportunity to make your raw materials buying and selling experience the best that it can be.

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Advanced Materials Building Material Marketplace


Alexandria, Virginia, United States

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Greg Nolan

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