
MyLifePlace is an online site that is dedicated to the preservation of lifetime memories. They will be the only site available that will take old photos, film, DVD's and documents and organize it on the customers site by year or age. If the customer is not willing to ""lifeload"" memorabilia, they will do it for them. MyLifePlace goes beyond acting as a simple storage space for photos and videos by being able to preserve all scanable memorabilia and adding a journaling componet to enhance the... experience. They have identified a gap between traditional social media platforms and online storage sites. By focusing their efforts on memory preservation and not just storage and sharing, they believe their offering is unique in this space. The problem they are solving are most photos and flim and other memorabilia are located in and around old photos albums in basements, attics and in the garage. Other photos and videos are scattered on numerous online storage sites. My Life Place offers an organized , safe and fun place to store and manage all memorabilia. Also a photo provides only a picture of an event, so details and feelings are often overlooked or forgotten. They add a journaling function that will enhance the total experience. To remember all the significant events from a specific year becomes more difficult as time goes on therefore many meaningful memories are lost. With MyLifePlace no memories need be lost or distorted. For a reasonable annual fee of $25, the customer can construct their entire life online from the beginning to the present and share their masterpience with family and friends. Other revenue sources will come from peripheral services such as; online photo digitization, film and video conversion.

#People #More


Internet Social Media Video


Atlanta, Georgia, United States

United States

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Dale E. Searles
Dale E. Searles Chief, Executive Officer @ MyLifePlace
Chief, Executive Officer

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