
Prisme is a training center that provides vocational education and coaching services for young people as well as adults.

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Education Training Vocational Education


Rennes, Bretagne, France


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+33 2 99 86 74 72

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Official Site Inspections

  • Host name:
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  • Location: Paris France
  • Latitude: 48.8543
  • Longitude: 2.3527
  • Timezone: Europe/Paris
  • Postal: 75013

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More informations about "Prisme"

Accueil - Prisme

Une pédagogie de l’accompagnement formatif, basée sur l’écoute, l’échange et l’individualisation, permettant l’acquisition de savoirs, savoir-faire et compétences comportementales, la capacité …See details»

Prisme - Prisme

Toutes les prestations offertes au sein de PRISME sont accessibles aux personnes à mobilité réduite et en situation de handicap, quel que soit leur handicap. Une personne chargée de l’accueil du public peut se rendre …See details»

Qui sommes-nous? - Prisme

Histoire et philosophie de PRISME Association loi 1901, PRISME a été créé en 2002 sous l’impulsion de huit anciens salariés qui ont fait perdurer un outil de travail collectif auparavant …See details»

Prisme Formation Rennes Overview | SignalHire Company Profile

PRISME dispense des formations d’orientation professionnelle pour des publics, jeunes et adultes, à partir de 16 ans. En 2020, 487 personnes ont été accueillies sur les différentes …See details»

Prisme Formation Rennes - LinkedIn

Prisme Formation Rennes | 461 followers on LinkedIn. Entreprendre d'Apprendre, Apprendre à Apprendre, Apprendre à Entreprendre | PRISME dispense des formations d’orientation …See details»

Prisme Formation Rennes - Overview, News & Similar companies

View Prisme Formation Rennes ( location in Brittany, France , revenue, industry and description. Find related and similar companies as well as employees by title and much more. …See details»

Prisme - Crunchbase Company Profile & Funding

Prisme is a training center that provides vocational education and coaching services for young people as well as adults. ... Chrome Extension. Solutions. Products. Resources. Pricing. …See details»

PRISM organization Crossword Clue -

Answers for PRISM organization crossword clue, 8 letters. Search for crossword clues found in the Daily Celebrity, NY Times, Daily Mirror, Telegraph and major publications. Find clues for …See details»

Prisme Company Profile | Liège, Belgium - Dun & Bradstreet

Find company research, competitor information, contact details & financial data for Prisme of Liège. Get the latest business insights from Dun & Bradstreet.See details»

Integration support services offered by partner community …

Accueil pour Immigrants et Réfugiés Du Sud-ouest de Montréal Centre PRISME Offered service(s) Accueil, installation, intégration, renseignement et référence; Personne ayant demandé l'asile (DA) - Recherche de logement ... Territory covered by the organization Sud-Ouest de Montréal; LaSalle; Lachine; Ville-Émard. Administrative region ...See details»


The mission of the PRISME Forum will be to provide a forum for the exchange of non-commercially sensitive information among its members in order to enhance the efficiency, effectiveness and impact of global Research and Development Information Management and Information Technology (“R&D IT”) organizations within the biotechnology and pharmaceutical …See details»

PRISM Social Enterprise s.r.l.

Identity. PRISM Impresa Sociale s.r.l. represents a co-planning hub, open to public and private actors, for the elaboration of tailored development strategies and interventions, aimed at …See details»

PRISME: Europe’s First Ultra-inclusive Training Center

Mar 6, 2024 The organization enhances the movement flow, aligning with the Easy to Read and Understand (FALC) concept and prioritizing ramps for universal access. As the world’s third universally inclusive sports facility, following Canada and Brazil, the PRISME in France is dedicated to stress management, cognitive relief spaces, and promoting adaptive sports.See details»

Prisme Solutions Informatique

Nous sommes spécialisés dans l'intégration des ERP's ODOO et InforXA ainsi que le développement d'application JAVA.See details»

Conference | Call — Canadian Association of LGBTQ2S+ Lawyers

The Canadian Association of LGBTQ2S+ Lawyers (Call) invites you to attend the third annual Prisme Conference, Canada’s annual 2SLGBTQ+ law conference. Prisme 2024 will take place in Calgary, Alberta during the second weekend of The Stampede at the University of Calgary Downtown Event Centre!See details»

Prisme Solutions Informatique SA - Crunchbase

Prisme Solutions Informatique SA is located in Ponthaux, Fribourg, Switzerland. Who are Prisme Solutions Informatique SA 's competitors? Alternatives and possible competitors to Prisme …See details»

Qui sommes nous? - Prisme

Une véritable proximité avec le monde économique : La constitution d’un réseau d’entreprises tous secteurs professionnels confondus. Des liens étroits avec les tuteurs de stage.See details»

PRISME FORUM | Pharmaceutical R&D Information Systems …

Pre-competitive collaboration non-profit organization; Biopharma R&D Innovator companies; Senior leaders exclusively; Focused on R&D IT/ Digital/ Data; Driving strategic awareness and …See details»

Contact Us | Prisme Solutions Informatique SA

Prisme Solutions Informatique SA. Rte de Montagny 11 1772 Ponthaux Switzerland +41 26 475 26 70. Founded in 1988, Prisme Solutions Informatique SA is a service company that is active …See details»


NOTRE PEDAGOGIE PRISME dispense des formations d’orientation professionnelle pour des publics, jeunes et adultes, à partir de 16 ans. En 2023, 474 stagiaires onSee details» © 2022. All rights reserved