
Dogs of any age heal us and bring incredible joy to our lives. Puppy Mama, Inc is leveraging technology to help a vast community of dog moms share with one another and promote a joyful pet-friendly lifestyle. Our web application gives puppy mamas a safe place to share, connect with one another, effortlessly schedule fun meet ups with their friends, and rate businesses, travel services, and hotels to advocate for a more pup-friendly world. https://app.puppymama.com We are growing into othe... r areas of โ€˜dog mom lifestyleโ€™ with fresh editorial content and video interviews on PAWLITICO https://www.puppymama.com/blog, and the recently announced e-commerce partnerships with top London pet fashion brands Teddy Maximus and Lurril and the launch of the Puppy Mama store: https://shop.puppymama.com. Press release: http://bit.ly/MarketWatch_AttentionFashion-SavvyPuppyMamas Giving back: As an Iraq War veteran, the veteran community is important to me, and with my assistance dog Waffles, I know the power of canine therapy. To date, we have raised over a thousand dollars for the San Francisco SPCA, and we are building the PAWSSION global organization to unify dog-friendly companies to advocate for pet access together. Give back is part of our economic model and we plan to support organizations such as Paws for Veterans, Canines for Hope, Service Dogs for America, and Lone Survivor Foundation. We've been selected into: - Grow with Google for Startups - Stanford GSB Ignite - Michael Dearing & Harrison Metal's General Management Course - Y Combinator: Startup School & Female Founders Conference - Galvanize General Management Committee - Founders Network - Women in the Pet Industry Network We received the following Silicon Valley Bank scholarships: - Tuition for Harrison Metal's General Management Course - 3 months workspace at Galvanize Advocacy: - Canine therapy advocacy: - Shared 400+ stories how dogs have helped women - Video Interview with Robin Apple, Ph.D., Clinical and Consulting Psychology regarding power of canine therapy: http://bit.ly/PuppyMama_PowerOfCanineTherapy - Canine therapy for veterans - story how canine therapy helped a 2-tour combat veteran beat PTSD: http://bit.ly/2v9POM2 - Advocating for better dog access: - Video Interview with 2 YC Partners regarding benefits of dogs in the workplace: http://bit.ly/2ufLFrr - Video Interview with Sbragia Family Vineyards - benefits of dog-friendly businesses: http://bit.ly/2vCyWyf

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Theresa Piasta
Theresa Piasta Product, Author, CEO & Founder @ Puppy Mama
Product, Author, CEO & Founder



Theresa Piasta

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