
StoneTimberRiver provides intuitive software solutions for sales, marketing, finance, and broadcast professionals in the sports and entertainment industry. Their suite of products is built on the Microsoft Dynamics CRM platform and their active clients include more than 65 major league teams in the United States and Canada. StoneTimberRiver provides focused Customer Relationship Management (CRM) solutions and strategies to your Season Ticket Sales staff and your Customer Service professionals... . Their Ticket Sales and Service Modules were designed to specifically address the unique needs of professionals selling ticket products and packages for professional sports teams. StoneTimberRiverโ€™s CRM solutions are catered to the unique needs of sales and service professionals catering to the premium buyer. Their Premium Sales and Service Modules were designed to specifically address the unique needs of those selling Club Seats, Suites, Suite Nights, and other Premium products on behalf of professional sports teams. The combined customer database ensures that Premium, Season, and Corporate Sales associates are not working the same opportunities at the same time. StoneTimberRiver established its reputation for intuitive sports software as a provider of Partnership Sales and Service solutions. After more than 10 years, their move to the Dynamics CRM platform has enabled us to greatly enhance the user experience and provide a tremendous upgrade to their long-standing corporate partnership clients. Their Partnership Sales and Service Modules include all of the functionality their customers were accustomed to with their legacy products while also leveraging the tremendous customer relationship capabilities of Microsoft Dynamics CRM. StoneTimberRiver recognizes that their professional sports clients need to continually evaluate and assess the value of their existing customer relationships. They help their clients accomplish this goal and more by developing seamless integrations from their CRM modules to the ticketing database. Ticketing providers such as TicketMaster,, Veritix, Paciolan, New Era Tickets, Stub Hub, and others have embraced the opportunity to work with StoneTimberRiver to link their valuable ticket transaction data to their clientsโ€™ CRM environment. The summarization and segmentation of this valuable transaction data is critically important to their clients as they segment their customer list for marketing campaigns, cross-sell, and up-sell opportunities. StoneTimberRiverโ€™s clients are more commonly retaining their rights to television and radio media assets. Although their clients are not media outlets in their own right, they are frequently faced with the burdensome task of creating broadcast logs and affidavits for the media assets included in their corporate partnership agreements. As an alternative to six-figure traffic management solutions designed for television and radio stations, StoneTimberRiver created their MediaLine product to address the unique broadcast traffic needs of their professional sports team clients. These clients are typically creating logs and affidavits for the TV and radio game broadcast, the coaches show, the Spanish-language broadcast, and perhaps other ancillary programming. MediaLine utilizes a drag-and-drop color-coded interface that syncs to their Corporate Partnership Modules in CRM on demand. Broadcast logs and affidavits can be created for programming in a matter of minutes.

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CRM Software


Washington, District Of Columbia, United States

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(919) 932-9696

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