
In the rapidly growing tech industry, finding the right training is key. At TechLaunch @ Florida Vocational Institute (FVI), weโ€™re committed to preparing our students for a career in technology in less than a year. In this time, we prepare our students to fill the void by providing the training they need. In our programs, we transform general computer users into technologists and empower people to get a rewarding career within one year. Thatโ€™s why we continually refine our curriculum based ... on feedback from our hiring partners โ€“ companies who use technology everyday and can identify skill gaps within the industry. This puts our grads on the right path and provides them with hard to find skills that employers are looking for. At TechLaunch @ FVI, weโ€™re helping our students match their passions with their skills. Whether theyโ€™ve completed high school, have some college experience, or even have a college degree, we can provide the training they need to start a new career in the tech industry in less than a year. Our extensive, hands-on coursework prepares our grads to enter the tech industry with the tools and confidence that appeals to potential employers. And with our career services team, we can help our graduates find tech jobs that allow them to use their skills and grow.

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