They know you love to cook. They also know how it feels when you get that urge to recreate a dish you had as a child, on vacation, or at that great little tapas bar downtown. Unfortunately, they also know how frustrating it can be to embark on creating your ethnic feast. Maybe the recipe you've found instructs you to cook your entree in a clay tandoor oven. Or, the only ethnic market in town is too intimidating or inconvenient, while the best substitute your local grocer can offer for rose wa... ter is kool-aid. That's where they come in. Their goal is to incorporate authentic, ethnic cookery into your repertoire by making it accessible and easy, whether you live in New York City or Dodge City. They'll also show you how to create authentic dishes in your American kitchen. You'll find a selection of recipes that have been tested by immigrant grandmothers, cooks native to featured countries, and adventurous home cooks. With just a couple of clicks, you can purchase those hard-to-find ingredients for your ethnic meal by navigating through thousands of products. You'll also find an overview of each cuisine, as well as other uses for products. They'll make sure that jar of tahini doesn't sit in your pantry now that you've prepared that hummus that was the hit of the party. Best of all, They're open 24 hours.



Food And Beverage Food Processing Online Auctions


Evanston, Illinois, United States

United States



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